The Gryffindor Princesses (Harry Potter FF)

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Hey there. My name is Gabriella Gian Hale. I am somehow related to Godric Gryffindor. I am somebody's triplet. The eldest's name is Eleanor Eve Hale. I am in the middle and the youngest's name is Serena Snow Hale. I love my sisters and my parents more than anything in the world. Unfortunately, Eleanor and I are identical and Serena is fraternal. It means that Eleanor and I look alike and Serena looks different.

Eleanor and I have dirty blonde hair and a rare shade of olive green eyes. We both have the same personality. We both are extremely friendly, smart, brave, cunning and loyal yet very mischievous. Serena, however, has black hair with blue and green streaks and black menacing eyes. El and I are sometimes scared of her. But we don't tell her that.

Eleanor and I are special. No, not because we're witches. But because we have powers no one in the world possesses other than us. I can control the our elements and revive a dead person while Eleanor can change into animals and also talk to them. Both of us are Metamorphmagus and can already do wandless magic since we were 6.

Our family has lived in America ever since we were born. But we have to move to London, England since there are no wizarding schools here in the US. For the past three years, mom has taught us all we know about magic. But we still don't have wands. She just taught us.

Our new house in London is in Little Whinging. Our house is extremely big. It was small and elegant on the outside but inside it was huge and colorful. Mm and Dad put a charm that makes it bigger than it looks. We have a house elf named Cindy but we pay her. We have given her clothes to free her but she still works for us by her own free will.

This is the story of Serena, Eleanor and I's fourth and first year in Hogwarts.



Hello llamas,

Since most of the time, I am writing on my iPad and not on my laptop, I have to put the cast here. When I get to my laptop, I'll put it on the side. Here's the cast:

Gabriella Gian Hale- Mary Kate Olsen

Eleanor Eve Hale- Ashley Olsen

Serena Snow Hale- Elizabeth Gillies

For the cover, I will only put Gabriella and Eleanor because they're more important.

Love from, Victoria xx

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