The Goblet of Fire

398 33 18

Gabriella's POV

After a month of classes, it was finally Halloween. The classes have been fairly interesting. Mine and Eleanor's least favorite was Defense Against the Dark Arts. Moody put the Imperious Curse on us and tried to see if we could deflect it. Eleanor and I didn't move but glared at him with pure hatred. Bt the good news of Halloween is that the other schools arrive today! Potions was cut short.

"How do you think they'll arrive?" Ron asked us as we stood by the Black Lake.

"How about flying horses and a gigantic carriage for Beauxbatons?" I asked sarcastically.

"And how about Durmstrang arrive in a huge boat. Sort of like a mass." Eleanor said.

"Look up there! It's a dragon!" An idiotic student yelled.

"No! It's a flying house!" Another shouted.

"No blithering idiots! It's a giant horse carriage!" I shouted at them. Turns out, I was right.

"Look at the lake!" Lee Jordan told us.

"It's a mass!" Eleanor laughed.

"Okay. That is just creepy!" Hermione chuckled at us.

"Viktor!" Eleanor and I yelled as we saw our family friend. He smiled at us and waved.

"You know Viktor Krum?!" Ron asked/yelled.

"Yup." I said, popping the 'p.'

"He's a family friend." Eleanor added. After that, we were told to go to the Great Hall.

"Ron has a man crush on Viktor Krum." Hermione laughed.

"Oh now does he?" I raised my eyebrow at Ron.

"Shut up." He mumbled. "Where do you think they'll sit down?" He asked. "Oh there they are! Hermione move over a bit." Ron said.

"What?" She snapped.

"Never mind." He said bitterly as he watched the Durmstrang lot sit at the Slytherin table.

Eleanor and I looked at each other before standing up and walking to the Slytherin table. We sent glares at Malfoy and Serena before grinning at Krum.

"Hey Viktor." We said. He stood up and wrapped us in tight hugs before saying 'Hello' back.

"We have a friend over there that is a huge fan of yours." I started.

"So would you please give him your autograph?" Eleanor finished.

He laughed when he saw Ron and nodded, handing us a parchment with his signature. "Thanks Vik." We grinned before hugging him once again and walking away. "Here you go, Ronald." We said to him as Eleanor handed him the signed parchment.

"Thanks." He said, staring at the parchment.

"I also know a spell which will make his signature go to another surface. I prefer a poster." I said to him.

After we were fed, Dumbledore said a long speech about how tomorrow the Goblet of Fire will choose the champions for each school. He said that he himself will draw an age line. After that, we were dismissed.

Ron, Hermione, Harry, Eleanor and I raced to the door and opened it, just before Igor Karkharoff did.

"Here you go, Professor." Harry said politely.

"Why thank you-" he froze when he saw Harry. His eyes traveled to his forehead where Harry's scar was.

"Yes, that's Harry Potter." Moody growled from behind him. "Now if you please? You're holding up the whole lot." He continued.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2013 ⏰

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