Chapter 2

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When in I was in Taku's car I was really surprised. It was really clean, When I was little I used to visit Chiu's family all the time, Even if I did live on the other side of the world. Anyways, When I used to visit, Chiu used to go to Taku's house all the time. One day time Chiu took me with her and Taku's room was a mess. So, I guess the only reason the car was clean, Was because of Chiu getting on his case.
"So are you nervous Sho?"said Taku. "Ya a little I've lived in America my whole life so ya" I said.
"Well don't worry, if you ever need anything just come up to the third floor"he said.
"Ok I will"I said
"Well we're here" he said
When I got out of the car and stared at the school it was huge and so big. It looked think to giant buildings had merged together.
"WAIT THIS IS A HIGHSCHOOL!?"I said in amazement.
"Yep,and calm down your making a scene"said Taku.
I looked around and saw a bunch of 1,2,and 3rd years staring at me and saying things like "fresh meat I guess" or my favorite "what a weirdo" they all said as they mumbled.
"Whatever"I said as I put my hands in my pockets and walked into the school.
"About time you got here"Chiu said
"CHIU!"I said as I ran to her happy and hugged her.
"You didn't seem so happy this morning when I called you"she's said
"Ya sorry" I said as I stopped hugging her.
"Well you better hurry up and go see the principal and go see what class your in"she said
I ran up the stairs really quick and found the principals' office and went inside. There was no one inside, there was only an empty desk and a bunch of document holders.
"Anyone in here"I said
"Up here"said a voice above me. I looked up only to see the principal duck taped to the top of the room.
"Hey are you ok"I said
"Ya but can you get me down please young man"said the principal.
"Ya sure hold on"I said
I started thinking and looking around and came up with an idea. I moved the two couches under him facing each other and grabbed the pair of scissors that where on his desk.
"Brace yourself" I said, I backed up from him, and started running and jumped and grabbed onto a hanging light and held the scissors to wheres there's only one blade and cut him down.
"AHHHH!,ouf...." Yelled the principal as he fell down onto the couches.
"Hey, you ok" I said as I stuck the landing from falling from the light.
"Yes I'm fine, thank you very much. So, how my I help you young man?"he said.
"oh ya, I need to know what class I'm in,I'm your new student Sho Kiriun" I said.
"Ah yes, the student from America, your in class 1-C"he said.
"Ok,thank you sir" I said as I ran out the door.
I ran down each step of the stairs faster than I ran up them. I was almost there until I ran into someone while running to class.
"Ouch,sorry ma'am" I said.
"It's ok,no harm done" said the lady.
The lady was real tall and had long black silcky hair. She had a butterfly on the side of her Nero-linker. I could tell she was a 3rd year by the color of her school shoes and tie.
"Im really sorry again" I said.
With that I got back on my feet and ran to my class,and found the teacher,and waited to be introduced to my new classmates.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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