Chapter One: New Beginnings

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   I woke up to see a red haired boy's psychotropic expression of happiness culling my eyes with his stare. Behind him was the definition of girly; twins both giggling for naught. The boy was wearing pencil thin jeans and a torn t-shirt while the girls wore matching torn up blue dresses. The girls had a slight difference. One had short and spiky black hair and the other had long flowing black hair.  As my terrified reaction emerged, the boy let out a slight chuckle as he held his hand out.  "You want some help off the ground or you gonna stay there, hon?" I accepted his offer of gratitude  and took his hand while he helped me up off the ground. I took a moment to have a better look of my surroundings. It was like something by the Brothers Grimm. Like an evil forest that no one was supposed to enter.
My thoughts were interrupted by the red headed boy. "Hey! You done day dreamin yet, Sweetie?" I gave him an authentic look of confusion. "Oh right... How rude of me! The name's Matt." I would've replied by revealing my name as well, but I didn't know my name at the time. I wouldn't know my real name for a long while in fact. Matt continued. " I suppose you're wonderin where you are?" Hesitantly, I did reply. " Oh um, yes I think. I mean I suppose. I mean.. "I'll take that as a yes.", he said as he flipped his hair in order to see. "What we got here is called The Middlife. Once ya die, you got a slight chance of endin up here. Being here means you were too good for Hell, but not good enough for Heaven. That's what I was told anyway." Matt was interrupted by the twin with short hair. " My name's Daisy!" She pointed to her sister. "That's Amelia! She doesn't talk much! And and and and um... Oh yeah! Matt is our brother! And, " Matt pushed Daisy aside. " As I was sayin, you're in The Middlife, bluh bluh bluh. Lemme get to the point." He looked at Daisy and Amelia. "Without any interruptions from you two!" He said with a stern look. " Don't be such a nob, Matt!" Daisy stomped her shoe on the ground. Matt rolled his eyes and turned back to me. " The way things work here is, there's a whole bunch of towns here. Depending on the time period you died, you end up being dropped off smack dab in the middle of that time town." I asked Matt if he had any idea where I had come from. None of the three knew where I had come from, including me. "So you don't even know your name?" Matt seemed surprised. "It's not written on your clothes or somethin or whatever?" I examined myself until I noticed the skull shaped locket around my neck. I opened it and found a picture of a woman holding a baby. The other half had the name "Mallory" engraved into it. "I think it's Mallory" I replied.

Amelia tapped Matt's shoulder and whispered something to him. "Okay." He simply said. "Well, we better head out. You comin?" "Where?" I questioned. "Just follow us. It's getting pretty late and we don't have much time to get outta this forest. Bad things happen here at night. I'll explain more later." This seemed like a mundane to them. My sense of rationality knew that it was best to follow.

The MiddLifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant