III. Like half of me

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  • Dedicata a They'll know...

When I heard you the at the first notice I knew

Small you were, the clothes even didn’t fit you

You blinded my thumbs with your small grasp

I helped you up the stairs.

A screech as I left the room and a whine when I ate

You constantly bug me, waving your arms wildly

Just because you’re hungry

Tantrums from second to fifth floor

The pram hadn’t quietened you smoothly

You dance horrendously to the rhythm

Just tapping one foot then shaking your head like a machine

You love to dance

The coat puffs you up like a starfish

You can hardly move just toddle away

Not knowing any different

It’s all worth it, having you around

Sparkling blue eyes like you’re mothers

I hope you have a better childhood than I

And I will stay on earth as long as possibly to make sure that happens!

And you won’t know any different …

We’ll separate one day

And I can tell you the tales and confusions between our

Messed up family

You’ll be asking me quiet soon once you learn how to use your lips.

So ProudDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora