My Middle School Years

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Man. My middle school years were something, you know? It was a big difference from elementary school. That's when I learned about drama and learning who my real friends were. What love was. What heart breaks feel like. Well my 5th grade year I was still playing pee wee football. My dad had found himself a girlfriend which is now his fiance. That's when my family and my Stepmom now and her kids had all moved in together. Just imagine. 8 kids. One house. With 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms with one shower. That was something. But anyways. In 5th grade is when I met a guy which I love to death like my own brother. His name was Colton. We enjoyed the same things. We always had fun. We were the same height. Yea. Ironic right? But he moved in the 6th grade. But that's when someone else moved here. She changed my whole life by the look of an eye. I remember what she was wearing that day too. Weird? Not really. She was wearing an orange Aeropostle V-neck and skinny jeans. Her hair was straightened like she wanted to impress people. And she impressed me very well. But I never had the balls to actually talk to her and introduce myself. And the bad part was we didn't even know each other until the end of 7th grade when a good friend of ours back then said that the girl that moved here liked me. So we went ahead and got into the relationship with no idea who or what each other was like. But she was my first kiss tbh. (And yea. I know your reading this. So laugh at it haha.) But yea the relationship didn't last long. We were one of those couples that got together and broke up and got back together. I didn't like it at all. But I dealt with it and so did she. But now look. She is mine now and forever will be. We've been together for two months and fifteen days. We already have our future planned out. Everything. I bet you're wondering "What if ya'll fight and break up?" Oh. That isn't happening. If we fight. We know better than to just stop the relationship. We will get through everything together. I love her with all of me. I would give and do anything for her. That was pretty much my middle school summed up and a part of my present. But oh well.

The Life I Never Thought Of HavingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon