ReaderXKarma(PArt 1)

491 16 9

'Y~N~Chan~~~~Say ahhhhh~~'Karma coaxed as he pushes the egg roll against your closed lips.You frowned,reluctantly opening your mouth and munching on the egg roll while looking at the red-haired boy who has a happy smile on his face as he looks at you.How did it lead to this?You thought,sighing,as Karma feeds you another egg roll.


Pain shot up your ankle against as you tried to move.You cursed yourself for being so foolish and falling over a stupid twig.You clenched your teeth,trying not to scream out loud in agony as you slowly sat up,your hand around your leg to prevent it from moving.Thankfully,you are not bleeding after the fall,that would have suck as blood is one of your weakness.

'As if i can win with this twisted ankle!!!!!'You hissed out angrily,upset that now you are unable to win against your opponent.Just as you finish your sentence,you crossed your arms and was about to fish out your phone to surrender and get help,a familiar voice pierce through the air into your eardrums. 

'Oh my,is my enemy injured?What a good advantage,makes my job more easy~~~~'Karma laughed,his red hair popping out of the green leafy bushes as his face came to view,looking directly at you.The bloodlust in his eyes making you shiver in fright as he moves closer to you,eventually,stopping in front of you.

'Should i kill you~~?Or~~~?'He sang,tracing the tip of the knife gently along your arm,enjoying your uncomfort.You glared at him,frustrated that you are injured and how he is teasing you is just adding up to your boiling anger.Just as you were about to tell him to shut up and kill you already,Karma clapped his hands,looking at you with sparkling eyes.

'Oh i know!Why dun you be my girlfriend?Then i will not kill you!'Karma excitedly says,smiling brightly.You sat there stunned,blinking once at him,surprised at his words.Karma actually wants me as his girlfriend?Nah,that is not possible,he is probably lying!He will forget about everything tomorrow!With that thought in your mind,you nodded once,amused at his reaction as he screams in joy,smiling so happily as he committed suicide.


'Awwwwww,so loving~~'Your form teacher teased as he placed one of his many tentacles on Karma's shoulder who the red-haired boy laughed,swiftly taking out his hidden blade and stabbing it towards his shoulder but Koro-sensei,sensing what Karma is about to do,quickly escaped and walked away with his usual nuhuhuhuhuhu and leaves the whole class laughing at you.You have told them countless time that Karma and you are not dating but each time you tried to say the truth,Karma would interrupt you with a tight embrace or a soft peak on the lips,leaving the whole class rolling in laughter.Naturally,ever since last week when you two got into a agreement to be dating couple,you have fought with him countless time but within minutes,you two would have make up together again.As Karma tried to feed you another egg roll,your phone saved you,your phone ringing,a sign that someone is calling you.Putting up your hand to stop Karma,you answered.


'Hello,is it Y-n chan?This is Gakushuu.'You stiffened up,it was as though someone injected you with freezing cold water,making you paralyzed  as you slowly turned your head to look at Karma who now has  'what is going on'face.You stood up,only making Karma more worried and you immediately mouth out ' my mom' which effectively make him relax before he smile at you,gesturing at the door for you to answer your phone.You rushed out of the classroom,ignoring the stares and glance  from your other classmates as you shut the door behind you.

'Yes,speaking.May i know the reason why you called me,Gakushuu kun?' You answer back,voice filled with alertness as you looked back through the window,shocked when you saw Karma just opposite you in the classroom,the window as a wall in between you.Karma smiles at you and you forced back a smile,guilty as you speak to Gakushuu.

'Yes,I was just wondering if you are able to come with me to the bookshop to buy some books.I would absolutely appreciate your accompany.'Gakushuu continued.You looked at the red-haired boy again before you bit your lower lips.Going out with Gakushuu huh........Even though it is a bad idea,not letting Karma should be fine....

'Yeah sure,i will go along.Meet you at the train station tomorrow?'You asked,nodding once as Gakushuu agreed as he ends the call.You sighed,opening the door and coming face to face to Karma.

'What did your mother say?You looked worried.'Karma asked,worried and you flinched as his question while he held your hand tight.You hesitated,knowing that you have to lie to Karma with this guilty conscious.Offering a weak smile,you squeeze his hands.

'Nothing,it was my mother.She wants me to go with her to the bookshop so I'm afraid that i cant be with you. You lied,trying to convince Karma.Deep inside,you felt so guilty that you hope that that the floor would open up and swallow you.Even though you and Karma are not really dating,it is still as bad,it is just like a affair but upon seeing a cheerful smile that surfaced on Karma's face after you finish your sentence made you felt better.

'Haha,no wonder yo kept looking back at me.No worries,since you are s afraid,i will follow you to the bookshop,your mother should be fine with it,right?'Karma says,moving forward and you flinched.Oh no,that is DEFINITELY not the reaction you were expecting!You stepped back,away from Karma.The red-haired boy frown at your sudden actions,suspicion washes over his face an you quickly opened your mouth to explain.

'My mother minds!I....I also want to get some books that i dun want you to know!So you can't follow me!'You babbled out the first excuse that came to your mind,hoping that Karma would fall for it.Who am i kidding?!How would he fall for this?I will be discovered!Closing your eyes,you hope for a miracle despite knowing that Karma would never fall for-

'Oh i know!Y-n chan,you are going to buy a cooking book so you can 'surprise me with your cooking,right?'Karma replied,smiling at you.You opened your eyes,blinking a his answer as a few seconds pass before you started to act.

'Ah,yeah!That's right!Dammit,i wanted to surprise you!Hahaha,Karma,you are so smart!You let out a fake laugh,avoiding eye contact with the still smiling boy who is now reaching out to hug you.At least Karma took the bait,now all you have to do is...

Go out secretly with Gakushuu and not get discovered.

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