chapter 1- the begining of the great journey ahead.

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 It was nearing dawn when i was awoken by silence. Although i should have just went back to sleep so i might be able to prevent the unfortunate events that were in my future.  I am vulpes experiment number 5 and this is the lab. I used to be a normal fox until i was taken as a kit. I became a part of a program called experimental trials . Their are others in the facility like me and then their are the failures . The failures well lets just say they don't exactly make it . As I was saying before I awoke to dead  silence, Though normally you would hear early morning experiments on unlucky test subjects. I thought for a moment and thought of as many possibilities as i could but none of them seemed to fit. So i decided to go to the oracle of information of this facility who also happend to be my cellmate. His name was Toto a feline with deep green eyes and a hot headed personality. He was a pain at times but one of my only friends here stitches and all.

 so i walked over to him where he was sprawled out on the floor  sleeping. "He looks so peaceful" i thought to myself. So at first I tried to wake him up gently.  "oh Toto wake up" i whispered in a hush voice nudging him with my paw.  He grunted and rolled over so his back was facing me. starting to get agitated I decided to try a different method. i took my claws and slammed them down on to Toto's tale. With a shriek and a jump he was finally awake. "look who's finally up "I said triumphantly.Holding his throbbing tail he let out a weak whimper and then turned to glare at me. "aarrrghh just shut up and tell me what in the blazes you wanted"!!! he screeched. I hesitated a moment before I asked seeing how upset he was. so i waited a little while so he could calm down not wanting any of the other experiments to hear the commotion. Toto was finally calm and ready to talk. 

 "hey Toto whats going on"? i asked trivially "why are their no screams of pain ,and the men in white coats"? Staring intently at me for a few he finally answered. " there's going to be a new cellmate next door they say he is new here entirely just got done with his experiments", Toto said in a nonchalant voice. I felt electricity pulse through my body as if someone had just hooked me up to jumper cables. My eyes glistened and began to widen . " you cant be serious"?!?! i shrieked with a mix of anger, fear, and pity. I started hyperventilating as flashbacks of all the experiments all of the pain it was all coming back to me now. My family , friends ,everyone that I ever knew is gone and replaced with pain then suddenly the flashbacks stopped and their were new ones that weren't even mine. my eyes flashed open and then it all went black.

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