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Sam's eyes wrenched open to the sound of shouting. "What?"

"Sam, guess what?!" Gabriel shouted, grabbing Sam's wrist and trying to pull him out of bed.

Sam huffed and rolled over, wrestling his hand out of the archangel's tight grasp.

"It's your birthday!" Gabriel sang when he appeared on the other side of Sam's bed.

Sam nodded. "Yeah, woohoo. I'm a year older."

Gabriel finally sighed. "What's with the mopey attitude?"

"What time is it?" Sam asked.

"It's 8:30."

"Oh," Sam sighed, sitting up in bed. "Can you leave so I can get dressed?" He asked, pulling the covers up more over his waist.

Gabriel raised his eyebrows. "What? Oh, yeah." His cheeks flushed before he vanished.

Sam rolled his eyes and slipped out of bed, getting in his boxers and a pair of sweatpants. He grabbed a t-shirt, pulling it on as he walked out of his bedroom and into the hallway.

"Happy birthday!" Dean shouted, spraying Sam with silly string.

Sam couldn't help but laugh, arms flailing as he tried to get away. "Dean-what? What's all this about? Seriously, it's just my birthday."


"I'm older than 21, why celebrate?" Sam asked as he walked down to the kitchen with Dean following close behind him.

"Because, it's... I don't know, it's kind of tradition?"

"We never celebrate your birthday," Sam said as he opened the fridge.

"Yeah we do. We have beer and pie, and watch a Star Trek marathon." Dean said.

Sam was about to get some milk for some cereal when Gabriel popped into the room again. "Stop right there!" He said.

"Hm?" Sam turned around to see Gabriel holding a tray of some glorious looking pancakes. "Oh."

Gabriel walked past Dean and handed the tray to Sam, smiling. "Eat." He then turned to Dean.

"I have a better present for him than you do," Dean whispered.

Gabriel raised his eyebrows. "Oh yeah? I'm pretty sure he's not a fan of incest."

"What?" Dean thought for a moment, then looked at Gabriel as if he was crazy.

"Um... Guys, I can hear you." Sam said with a small smile. "Gabe, if you're thinking that I'm going to have sex with you, you're wrong."

"Huh?" Gabriel turned to face him. "Aw, come on."

Dean fled the room, covering his ears.

Sam sat down at the table and bit his lip when Gabriel sat beside him. "Gabe," he laughed. "I'm not even gay."

"Angels aren't stupid, you dickhead. I can hear your thoughts." Gabriel said.

Sam slowly set his fork down and looked over at him. "Okay, uh..." He tried his best not to blush, and thankfully, Castiel walked in right on time.

"Happy birthday, Sam!"

"Thanks, Cas."

"My prince is 30 today," Gabriel said with a dreamy sigh.

Castiel rolled his eyes. "I apologize for my brother, Sam."

"No, it's okay. I think it's kind of... Cute." Sam said as he looked over at Gabriel, whose eyebrows had shot up.


"Okay, Sam, make a wish." Dean said.

Sam stared at the candles and shrugged. "Okay..." I wish that maybe this year I won't mess anything up. He blew out the candles. "Okay,"

The lights went on when Gabriel snapped his fingers.

"Showoff," Dean mumbled before handing Sam the demon blade.

"You want me to use the demon blade to cut the cake?" Sam asked.

"What? No! Wrong one." They switched, and Sam took the knife.

Gabriel stood right over Sam, watching him as he cut the cake. "Good job," he said, running a hand through Sam's hair.

Sam put the cake onto plates, smiling slightly as he felt Gabriel playing with his hair.


"That cake was great, thanks guys." Sam said and stood after everyone else did; Gabriel's cake untouched.

Gabriel gave them a quick wave before touching Sam's forehead. Within the blink of an eye, they were in a hotel room.

"So..." Gabriel said, glancing at the bed. "Do you want this as much as I do...?"

"Hell yeah."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2015 ⏰

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