Save me from myself

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(A/N hey sorry for the wait! I have been so busy! I have surgery coming up soon so this is going on hold for a little bit. Writing and medication do NOT mix lol! Love you all!)

I feel Ashley's face nuzzle, almost lovingly into the side of my neck. As he kisses the spot he gently wraps his hands around my waist. Sparks fly through me and I can't help but let out a mew as he licks across the bites he left earlier.
"Good, see if you cooperate, and know who is in charge you get rewarded. My beautiful kitten."
I cringe slightly. My kitten. Fuck I don't want to be owned! I want to live my own life. But what other choice do I have...vampires are so strong...
The talk one with the blue eyes stands and begins to walk toward me.
"Calm down Andy," Ashley says, letting go of me. "You all get your turn. I don't mind sharing." He smirks and let's out a low chuckle (a/n I fucking hate the word chuckle 😡).
The blue eyed one, I guess he is called Andy, grabs my waist and buries his face is the right side of my neck. He begins to kiss and lightly nip at me, his hands roaming my waist.
"Don't fret Kitten, I can make you feel good and bad all at once." He then bites down on my neck, gently at first then harder. He plays with my breasts and I begin to mew and pur uncontrollably! My knees get weak but Andy holds me up effortlessly.
"Ands, save some fun for the rest of us." I hear one of the other men say.
Andy chuckles, lapping up the last of the blood from his wound.
"Such a good kitten." He says and he picks me up and lays me on the couch. Then another one of them begins to stalk toward me.
"Guys, wait outside, things might get a bit intense in here..."
(A/N okay so yea just a filler cause I have writers block from new medicine I Amon before surgery...on hold for at least 2 weeks...I love you!)

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