Chapter Two

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Chapter Two - Once Again Leaving Silence-

I was focusing on the strange mysterious noises which popped up in my head. It sounded like a girl, trying to scream. It kept me up all night. It... terrified me. I think, i'm hearing what Rue has been hearing all along. She.. didn't want to hear it, that's why she kept saying "No"so desperately. I laid out a breathe.


Rue stopped saying no as soon as she heard me. What happened? Did I do something wrong--------I did, crap! What am I going to do? She will probably kill me! What's worse, she might beat me up or drag me into the woods and eat me alive! Calm down! Rue isn't a demon! Why would she kill me!? She's insane! Or am I insane? No, no,no,no,no! Calm do-----

"You hear it too." Rue says getting out a flashlight or a light source. I... What do I say?

"Yeah.." I say getting up and sitting at the edge of my bed. I look up and I suddenly see two feet leaning out. 

"It's time to get dressed, I bet it's 5:30 right now.." I say calmly. I didn't want her to think something was up or that I was afraid of her. That would be almost half crazy.

I see Rue looking at the clock we had and she nodded. " Yeah, It's 4:57" Rue giggled.

Okay! First of all, I don't like it when Rue laughs. It sounds creepy and it makes me want to run away. I almost feel sorry for her. She might not find a "partner," unless that guy might be a little bit more than insane.

"Oh" I laugh. It's so awkward right now. I go into the bathroom we shared and I looked in the mirror. I now know why she was laughing. There were words printed on my forehead in marker. 

"Loser huh?" I say rubbing my forehead. Rue brings me alcohol and puts some on a white towel. She walks over to me and rubs the white towel on my head hard.

"Ow-! Hey, That hurts you know!?" I yell at her. Rue backs away and looks at my forehead. 

"All gone." Rue says as she is already in her school uniform. "I'll see you up in the music room!"

"'Kay..." I say. Rue walks out the door and closes it. 


I open the door to the music room, and I already see Rue sitting down near the piano. That's right, it's Rue's turn to play. I sit in front of the Piano and I smile at her. She looks down at all the keys and places her hands on each side. 

She lays a finger down and then 4 more followed. It sounded creepy the way it curved its rhythm. 

I liked it, it sounded like a circus theme or a clown song-- Wait, clowns are creepy. Where is Rue going with this song?

It ended. She looks at me and opens her mouth.

"The fear of death follows from the fear of life." 


Rue continues," A man who lives fully is prepared to die at anytime."

"I don't quite understand what you mean?" I ask. Every time I ask about what she says she denies it or just tries to ignore it. Mostly she just walks away.

She stands up and walks past me to the door. " I leave it here."

Rue walks out and shuts the door.

I stare at the door wondering,"What's in that head of yours?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2015 ⏰

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