3. All Day I Dream About It, Baby So How's About It

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Harry had been visiting Louis for the past couple of weeks and his presence was intoxicating.

At first, Harry was silent when Louis was giving his tours and opted for giving him encouraging warm smiles instead, but slowly he started contributing and even began teasing Louis, making the audience laugh along with their playful banter.

"Mona Lisa failed her physics exam so that's why she looks like she's a representation of a cry for help."

Louis pointed at Mona Lisa and mocked her face except exaggerating tremendously. He deserved a Grammy for that incredible performance.

"She's also holding in a toot," Harry said with a lopsided grin, smiling proudly when the group of people burst into childish laughter.

What? What kind of person says toot? Harry with his long legs and boyish features that was who.

Louis smiled and ignored the little nagging voice in the back of his mind that told him it was fondness.

Harry was looking at Louis like he was the center of the museum's spotlight and Louis loved it. Louis loved when Harry looked at him for a moment too long, loved it when Harry remembered how Louis liked his tea and surprised him with a travel mug the day after, loved it when Harry's focus was only on him even when he was surrounded by impeccable works of art.

"I'm telling you, Van Gogh is the most underappreciated artists of the millennium. And his passion for art displays on his paintings. I think he could've been a billionaire today if he hadn't died poor."

Harry was rambling again and Louis was finding it hard not to dote him.

They were sitting at their favorite bench outside the museum, the one with the flaking painting because Harry couldn't resist the vintage feel it gave off. Harry had a stack of orange peels in his lap, the pads of his fingers sticky-sweet from the juice of the orange. Louis threw the last of his bread crumbs at the pigeons, cooing at them to come closer and swinging his legs wildly to scare them off again. Harry laughed at him, the sound throaty and gentle, as he thumbed away the juice that caught in the light at the corner of his mouth.

"Van Gogh is amazing, yes, but..." Louis stopped to chew on his lip for a second. "Picasso is the greatest of them all."

Harry let out a little shout of indignation and Louis laughed, ignoring the bread in his hands and turning his attention on Harry's gaping mouth instead.

Ever since Harry walked into the museum the very first day, Louis thought the sunshine shone brighter, the flowers bloomed for longer periods of times and his toleration for the museum lessened as he found his job more enjoyable each day Harry spent more time with him. Louis didn't think there would ever come a day where he would wake up excited for work, his body buzzing with vibrations of excitement and would care less about the tea he spilled on his thin white t-shirt this morning, but he was and that was all thanks to Harry.

"I'd love to continue this little debate, Haz, but my shift's over."

Louis stood up and stretched his limbs, causing the hem of his t-shirt to hitch up right above his navel. He grinned wolfishly when he stood tall over Harry. It was nice to feel dominant when it came to Harry. Louis had gotten used to always standing next to Harry (who was a head taller than him) that the change of height pleasantly surprised him. He wasn't short, but Harry's tall height made him feel very small, thank you very much.

Harry squinted his eyes up at Louis and crinkled his nose. "Really? Oh, um, okay."

Harry looked unaffected by the exposed tan sliver of Louis' skin had it not been for how he was excessively licking his lips and shaking out his hair, his eyes darting everywhere else except at Louis.

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