4. Boy, I'm Going Up In Flames And You're To Blame

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Another flash.

Louis had been watching Harry for half an hour now and he was hypnotized by the way Harry was bent over taking photograph after photograph. His long slender fingers covered most of the camera and he was coaxing out little's, "That's good, yeah," and, "Lovely, just lovely," to the model that was posing for him.

And the model, that was another thing. Because Louis should be distracted by the model—Daniel, was it?—because he was stunning. He had a sharp jawline, hazel colored eyes beneath curly eyelashes, strong biceps and a smile that could even make the crankiest of grannies melt into putty. He was exactly the type of guy Louis would be itching to take home and wreck him apart piece by piece until he was writhing below him. Except Louis was not looking at him and Harry's back was the prettiest thing in the room.

The lights were cascading soft hues around Harry's body and Louis' heart was in the brink of combusting into millions of tiny sparks. Louis almost felt like a pervert for creepily watching him from the corner of the room, but he excused his guilt for being Harry's moral support. He was simply silently encouraging him on and if it meant he had to keep quiet as to not distract him, then so be it. Plus, Niall left a while ago and Louis had no one else to entertain him. Louis was doing this purely from the goodness of his heart.

"That'll be it for today. Thank you so much, Dave. You were lovely."

Harry clasped his hands together in a boyish manner. He turned around, making a beeline for Louis. Louis sat upright and nervously fixed his hair as if on cue. He had forgotten how nice it felt when Harry's attention was solely on him.

"Would you like something to drink, Louis? Tea?"

Harry was fingering the lens of his camera, looking at Louis with eagerness. It was endearing and adorable and Louis didn't remember a time where someone was so eager to attend his needs.

"Tea would be fine. You know how I take it," Louis said with an easy smile, his eyes crinkling.

Harry reciprocated the smile, radiant and dazed, and rolled on the balls of his feet. Louis' mind jittered when he found himself staring at Harry's perky bum as he walked away until he felt someone slide next to him on the sofa.

"Hi, I'm Dave Franco. I don't think we had a chance to meet yet."

Dave extended his hand towards Louis. He had bright white teeth that were almost as blinding as much as his cologne was suffocating.

"Louis Tomlinson."

Louis' attempt at a smile came out weak and looked all wrong on his face, but he shook Dave's hand all the same.

Cold. So unlike Harry's warm hands that melted Louis' insides every time they brushed up against his.

"So, uh, are you dating Harry?"

Dave nudged his chin up towards Harry, Harry's back facing them as his careful movements gave away that he was fixing Louis' tea.

Louis laughed loudly and he wanted to say yes, a million times yes, I'm dating Harry, he just doesn't know it yet, but what came out of his mouth instead was, "No, he's just a really good friend of mine."

Dave looked like an outright idiot with the huge grin that was spreading across his sharp features.

"So what you're saying is that you're single."

Dave turned his body towards Louis. It was different than when Harry did it. Harry made Louis feel appreciated whereas Dave made him feel uncomfortable and on edge.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying," Louis laughed again, nervously this time, rubbing the back of his neck in a bashful sort of way.

"Mmm, that's good to know," Dave practically purred at that and then he was crowding up into Louis' space.

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