Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

For good measure I stepped a foot away from Devin, might as well not poke the wolf with a stick when he was already angry. Alec was staring us both down, making me uneasy.

"I told you to contact me while you were on your run." His voice was deathly calm. It was the calm before the storm, and that scared me more then him yelling. "I'm sorry, I forgot." I tentatively looked up at him. This was the second time I have apologized to him, and it was getting annoying. He was overreacting, yet I still apologized just because I didn't want to see him angry. Devin was looking at me with worry, not sure if he should say something. I just hoped he kept his mouth closed, he would only make it worse.

"You forgot?! Do you have any idea how worried I was about you!"

"If I was in any danger I would have contacted you."

"It's unacceptable! I gave you a direct order to contact me and you deliberately disobeyed me."

An ORDER!? I don't do orders. The only one I have ever taken an order from was my alpha, and that was only when he used the tone that I could not disobey.

Oh..but.. Alec was my alpha now... I forgot that little detail.

I looked down in defeat. Something I would never admit, I couldn't tell him he couldn't order me around, because he was my alpha, I wasn't even a Luna yet.

"I don't know what else to say to you." I said in a gentle voice. "I already told you what happened, there's nothing more for me to say."

"Devin, leave." He spoke. Great so he wanted to talk to me alone. If Devin could disobey the order, he would, but he had to obey his alpha. So he left the room. As soon as Devin was through the door, Alec was in front of me. I haven't even seen him move, only a gust of wind and there he was.

He grabbed my cheek in his hand and looked at me as if I might melt away at any moment. He really was worried, because right now he had to reassure his wolf that I was ok and here, hence why he had to touch me. He then pulled me into his arms, one arm going around my waist and the other in between my shoulder blades, wrapped in my hair. I couldn't help melting into him, his scent engulfing me. He took in a deep breath, scenting me, his body immediately stiffened. I deep vicious growl came in the back of his throat. I froze. He pulled away and looked at me. I gasped, his eyes were black, he was furious, and his wolf was taking over.

"Why do you smell like HIM!?!?!!" He growled out. I took a step back in fear. I had completely forgotten... Since Devin and I hugged, his scent was on me. That was unacceptable to a male wolf that was your mate, they believed the only other person you should smell like was themselves. It was one of the warning messages to other males if the female smelled like them, as if to say "stay back, they're taken." I gulped. I had no idea what to say, it would only make him angrier. But he wanted answers now.

"It must just be because I was around him." I was trying to protect Devin.

"Don't. Lie. To. Me."

"I tripped over a root and Devin caught me." The lie fell easily from my lips. Alec did not yet know me well enough to tell when I was lying, Devin, would know.

He snarled. "You would not smell this strongly of him if that was all."

"It's the truth." I stared right back into his eyes, trying to make him see honesty. I would have been out of luck if we had completed the mating bond already, he would have been able to read my mind.

"I told him not to touch you."

"You would have rather had me take a face plant?"

"No.." He said unhappily.

"See. He did nothing wrong." All I got in return was an unhappy growl.

The black was slowly starting to fade from his eyes. "You better not be lying to me."

"I'm not." My wolf was whimpering in the back of my mind, she was not happy with lying to our mate. 'You want me to betray Devin!? Alec will kill him.' 'No..'

'Then stop whining.'

Alec then surprised me by taking me back into his arms. I didn't understand how he could forget something like that so easily. He held me for a few more minutes and then released me stepping back. He inhaled through his nose, a smile coming across his face. "There."

What..? I didn't understand...

That damn possessive alpha!! All he wanted to do was to put his scent on me. Grrr.... The nerve! I couldn't help the growl that slipped from my lips. I just wanted to get away from him.

I stormed past him and took the stairs two at a time. Just as I reached the second floor and was about to start up to the third, his hand grabbed my arm. I looked back, glaring daggers at him.

"Where are you going?"

"My room." I bit out.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Nope." I didn't feel like dealing with him.

"Why do I feel like your lying?"

"Don't know."

He looked annoyed. "Can you only respond with two word answers?"

I shrugged.

He growled "Chloe..."

"Just let me go to my room, Alec."

He let out a breath and let go of my arm. I didn't waste any time, shooting up the stairs, he yelled to me. "Don't think we're done talking about this!"

"Yes, alpha." I muttered under my breath.

I walked into my room, closing the door. I shouldn't be this annoyed about Alec's actions, but I was. So, what better way to get him all worked up then take a shower and wash his scent off? That's exactly what I did.


I stomped up the steps towards my room. With my wolf howling at me.

'Don't you dare leave her!' 'I need to, our alpha said to leave.' 'So!?' 'Don't act like you don't act submissive toward him.' 'It still doesn't give him any right to take what is ours!'

I walked into the doorway of my room, sitting on the edge of my bed and taking my shoes off. I ran a hand through my hair. This was ridiculous, I was constantly fighting with my own wolf. 'She was never really ours,' I told him.

'You're lying to yourself!' And he was right, I was, she used to be ours. Ours to protect, to take care of, to love. All in a matter of a day, that was taken from me.

But, Chloe belonged with her mate, they were chosen by fate to be together. How cruel fate was to me, taking my family and pack, making me give up the one I love. These times have turned me into a love sick puppy. It seems like I can only be myself again around Chloe. Not that Alec lets me be around her as much as I would like.

I shouldn't be complaining, I just made it into the pack as 3rd in command. Although for most that were born into an alpha line, that isn't good enough. Usually someone like me would be beta, but the beta here could be an alpha if he wanted to, so I didn't even try to challenge him. Alec was like no alpha I have ever seen, he was huge and practically made you want to crumble to your knees when you were in the same room as him. Quite honestly, I was terrified of him. I stood no chance against him, and that was bad with Chloe in the picture. I know he wouldn't hurt her, but I preferred to be in charge. It was an alpha thing, especially so when there woman was in the picture.

But, Chloe wasn't mine anymore. I couldn't help the growl that vibrated through me.

She would always be mine, maybe not in the way I wanted, but she would always be my best friend.



Hello lovely readers! Ok, so I'm really sorry this chapter was short, and it took me awhile to update. I've been really busy lately so just bear with me. But, I will post a longer chapter next time. I hope you liked the chapter none the less, you got to see some of Devin's POV. Please vote and/or comment! I always love hearing feedback.

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