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So i want u guys to read the first chapter there are a lot of mistakes i just suck at spoting them so if you see any correct it in the comments i will fix it then

There was once a Church that vagwisted all the evil in the world. That was a very long time ago. The pristed who work there were a elet force. There toops had to have one of these skills: spell casting, Sword widling, and gun wielding. Each team hadpm to have one of each of these skills. The spell casters were the mages non of the norms (regular humans) knew about them. The next group sword wilding, they usally blows the killing hit. Lastly is the gun Wilders they usally stay in the backward and backs everyone up is the showdows. Only a few norms know about us and even fewer become one of us, and only one of us has all these skills. His name is _______. He's the youngest out of us all; he's only 14. His father was a gunman while his mother was a mage then his older brother (10 years older) was a sword wilder. He learned all these talents from his family. We have tried to teach others all these skills but they can never master all three. Even if we try and teach them one of these skills it takes the thier whole childhood to master. He came to us one day while his family was on a mission. He was only 12 that day. "I want to become one of you." He stood straight up hardly any expression on his face.

"Ok but.... we don't have a team for you and your just a kid." The council of the cruch didn't like kids doing this work.

"I don't need one." His face was still lifeless but the councils were filled with disbelief. "You don't believe me?" He roues an eye brow with a smrik. This was the frist expression anyone seen from him sicen he came into the building.

"No don't one bit. It takes years for one person to learn one of these skills so by saying you can wild all three of these skills is like saying the pigs are flying." One of the Council members tried to make a point.

" We still should give him the chanes to show what he can do." The oldest and wised of all the council members spoke up.

"elder has a point. Boy you must show us what you can do." The council member who spoke up frist agreed. "Well lest have a vote then." 7/10 of the members voted yes. "That's settled! Let's start with gun wilding." All the seven members who voted yes nodded. The ones that didn't were obvious mad. There eye brows were pointed downwards and there mouths formed an upside down U. Every skill has some amount of magic. The gun Wilders took the lest amout. The bullets are regularly bullets other then when there shot the shore push some if thier magic with it which makes a bigger impacted. We set up 5 diffent targets he has to get them all with only 4 bullets. Most of the time the shoter does what's expected. They manged to shot them all and have two alean then shot to get them all but this time was diffent. He only used one bullet. He waited for all the targets to alen then shot once. Most of the time it would only go through three but with that alot of your magic power and won't be able to do anything for awhile. When _______ did it seemed like he didn't even use any magic.

"What's next?" He turned around his expression tolled us that was a pice of cake. The council was shocked they could barely speak.

"Well..um... l..let's see." He looks down at his clipboard. He was having trouble comprehending what he just saw. He had forgotten the next thing. "It's umm... sword wilding." I never thought he was going to get it. When were doing this trial we put our best sword man's out to fight with the person who's trying to join. We don't expect the person to beat him we just want them to last at lest 10 second. Once again he went pass our expetion. He acrully beat him. The magic you have to use for this is several diffent one. You can use you magic for speed or for making bigger strikes. ______ fished it off with one strike he used his magic for speed and for his strike which would take tremendous amouts of magic as well.

"Spell casting is next isn't that right?" He turned around his face once again said that was esay.

"Tch. Yes" One of the Council members who voted against him turned away. ______ was right the nest event was magic next. He had a week to come up with somthing that would help in the fild. He did take the full week. Most people do a shield and that always makes them pass but people were expecting him to do way better then what others did.

~a week later~

"this is the last test. Are you ready?" The head of the coucil said in a booming voic. ____ didn't have that cocky expression he had on the last two test he passed. He once again shocked everyone ,but not like what he did before. They all where expeting him to do way better then anyone else. He didnt. In fact he hardly was able to do what others could do. All he did was put up a pretty weak shild. Even with all his magical energy he used it all up in one shild.

"There." ____ huffed a puffed barely able to say anything. It's was wired how well he was good with all the other things and it seems he would be the best at this. He looked ashamed.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Oh my god really dude? That's the best you can do?" The youngest member of the coucil (kai) was a giuenud like the kid. Kai was only 17 now he can only do one thing but hrs the best of the best of it. (He's a gunman.)

"KAI! That's enof!" The oldest and wised of all the council spoke. "You may have passed all three exams ,but we only are going to allow you to be a master of two of them. Your only going to have one partner she has master two of these skills like you. She's a spellcaster and a gun wilder." _____ face said it all. He hated the idea of another person on his team.

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