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_____ was tolled he was to meet his partner the next day at 11:00am. He did get there just in time but is partner was an whole hour late. _____ was getting very agrvative. He was about to get up and leav when he saw a girl with long silver wavy hair, she had bright blue eyes, her skin pale as snow she looked like a doll. "I'm so sorry I'm late. I'm not much of a morning person." Her voic even sounded to..... perfect. It was sweet like candy and soft as a cloud.

"Whatever. I'm ______" his face was abit flusted when he frist saw her. Even though he was flusterd he put up his rough at tough act.

"My name is Elizabeth." She bowed it's wired to see a briaths person to bow.

"Good, your both there!" Kai came running down the street. He was waring a pretty basic outfit jeans and a sweatshirt then a bean on top of his red hair.

"Why are you here?" Elizabeth asked every sweetly.

"Well I have 2 resons the 1st I have a mission for you. There's a ghoul in a near by town it shout be that hard of a mission I think it'd only level 4." The mission are
ranked by numbers 1 being the wores of the wores, 5 being the easiest.

"What the second?" ______ said as if he was wasting his time.

"Sorry ____ that between me and Elizabeth." Kai teased and grabed Elizabeth and ran to a place far away enfo for _____ not hear. _____ didn't care and started to well just site there. After a little while they both came back and Elizabeth look a bit more stressed from before.

"Hey you ok?" ____ seemed concerned. It's a miracle that he was showing a reaction other then cockyness.

"Oh..... nothing. By the way you can just call me beth." _____ didn't believe that it was nothing for one second.

"Ok if yo-" ____ was intruded by some boy yelling

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO, _______!!!!!!!!!!!!" ____ faced turned from a concerned face to a tariffied one.

"What are you doing!!!" He started to run away from the other boy. They ran through the whole town, pass the water fountain in the middle of town, pass all the little shops, intell they ended up by the this one little houes. Aperntly it was there houes.

"So are you going to tell me or em I going to have to kill you frist?" The boys face was smiling but not a happy one it was scary.

"Fine! Fine, I'll explain. I diced I was ready for the exame." Right as he said that the other boy smacked him.

"What the hell are we going to tell mom and dad?"

"The truth." Elizabeth suggested.

"I guess." _____ sight and put his hand on his head. It was obvious he didn't want to.

"Mom and dad still have a little paper work to do so try not to get killed on this mission." The boy calmed down a little bit. "You must be his partner. Im Tom. That dum ass's older brother." He smiled as he went to shake Beth's hand.

"I'm Elizabeth but you can call me Beth. It's a pleasure to meet you." She gave him a sweet smile and was about to shake his hand. She pulled away and bowed. ____ and Tom were confused. Kai had a face that said he knew why but is not going to tell. Tom bowed akward ly back.

"Ok that was wired. _____ come here I have somthing to say to u." He waved _____ over.


"Be careful I don't trusts that Elizabeth girl. There's somthing about her I don't know what it is." He pulled _____ very cloes and whisperd so they didn't hear him.

"Ok? I will. Anyway we have to get going." _____pushed his brothers hand off his shoulder and walked to Beth very confused. What could be so wired about beth. She's a nice girl that's it. Right? ____ kept thinking and thinking. He gave up sicen he could find the answer.

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