Obstacles Begin {2}

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Chapter 2~

"What should I do. I am freaking out. Were having a baby! How wi-" Monica says but gets interrupted by Chandler.

"Honey. Calm down. Everything will be alright. We already have two amazing kids. There is nothing different with this then that. You don't have to be scared." Chandler responds in a soothing calm voice.

"Do you even hear what your sayi-"

trying to finish the sentence but can't because too many tears are running down her face.

Chandler hands her a tissue.

"Chandler. I am not scared! I am so happy. I just don't know what to do.. A baby will be growing inside of me. Not inside of someone else. I will feel everything not just see it! Honey, I have been waiting for this moment since I was four. Setting up my room with baby bottles and carriages."

Monica wipes her tears away.

Chandler is in aww and just sits their speechless.

"I love you Monica. And I love our kids. And most importantly I will love this baby so much." Chandler says while tearing up.

"I love you too."


"Who should we call first? What should we buy first? When do we tell the kids?" Monica happily yelling.

"Wow, wow, wow! Slow it down!"

Chandler responds quickly.

"Okay sorry. Didn't mean to be so freakeD."

Monica looks at the clock above the fridge. "Hey its 3:15 we need to go pick up Erica and Jack from school."

"Oh I totally forgot." Chandler says.

"Well that's not a good first sign!"

*Monica laughs*


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