Sonogram Time {5}

508 12 2

Chapter 5~

Monica walls out of the changing room in her hospital robe and sees Chandler looking at poster of a mom and her child.

"What are you thinking about?" Smirks Monica.

Monica lays down on the chair and puts her legs up on it.

"Just thinking about us, the twins,and this new baby. And how were going to be an amazing big family."

Chandler says with a huge smile.

He walks over to Monica and kisses her on her forehead. They both smile and he sits down in the chair next to her.

*knock knock*

"Hello. How is the mother to be?"

All smiling. And Chandler starts to laugh.

"Very Good. Thank you. But Chandler why are you laughing?"

Asks Monica.

"Oh its just probably about to get REAL awkward. Because of me and my sarcastic comments."

Chandler implies.

Monica answers, "Oh no. Just relax."

The doctor sits down. And grabs the equipment and turns on the computer. She types a password in.

Monica and Chandler both looking inquisitively.

"Yayyyyy" shouts Monica. Before she even see the screen.

"Okay now I am going to put on the gel. It won't be to cold. Just room temperate." Dr. Ellen says.

She pulls her shirt up and squirts a little bit of gel on her tiny baby bump.

"Wow!" Says Monica laughing.

"How does it feel?" Asks Chandler.

"Fantastic. Actually pretty cold." Monica answers.

The doctor looks at the screen and has a confused look on her face.

She runs the stick on her stomach on each side and in a circular motion. Still looking confused. She stands up and goes to the door.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" Monica sqeaks.

Chandler has a worried look.

The doctor answers,

"I will be right back. Nothing to worry, I just need to go get another doctor."

Monica grabs Chandlers hand and squeezes it tight.

"Everything will be fine. Don't worry honey. Calm down." Chandler says while trying to calm down Monica and himself for that matter.

"How do you know that?"

Monica yells.

"Well I don't. But I think so."

Chandler says with big eyes. I am just going to go outside real quick.

Chandler runs to the door and shuts it. "Doctor, Doctor!" He screams.

"Yes. What's wrong?" Dr. Ellen asks.

Chandler sighs. And puts his hands through his hair...

"What's wrong? What do you mean, What's wrong with my wife?" Chandler asks. But doesn't really want to hear the answer.

The doctor looks down at her clipboard with pieces of paper with her file on it.

"Well. We can't tell yet. But let's talk about this with both of you. Come on let's go to the room." respond the doctor.

Monica whimpers and a tears start to run down her face.

The doctor and Chandler enter the room. And he grabs the tissue box.

"Please don't cry honey. We don't even know if somethings wrong yet."

Calmly says Chandler.

"Okay your three months it says, is that correct?" Asks Dr. Ellen.

"Yes. Three months and two weeks. Why? Does that matter?"

answers and asks Monica.

"Well its to early to tell. But something is different. We need you to come in again in three weeks unless something is wrong come in earlier. We won't be able to tell till your five months plus." Explains the doctor in a soothing voice.

Chandler and Monica look at each other. Worried but not as scared.

"Okay. Thank you. But three weeks? That's along time away." Asks Monica.

"Well that's when we can tell. I am sorry we couldn't give you better news an-" the doctor says but is cut off by Chandler.

"Better news? You didn't give us any news! Your sign says helpful doctors, I don't see the help in this!" Yells Chandler.

Monica and Chandler jump up and leave the room. She doesn't Evan change back into her normal clothes. She just wantes to get out of here.

"Wait. You have to come here and make your next appointment." yells the nurse in the front office.

"We will call you!" Says Monica.

They jump in the car. Monica sits down and rubs her baby bump.

"I will love you forever and always. So much. Please be healthy." says Monica to her unborn baby.


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