Chapter 1

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Nathan's POV :

The music was booming, people were dancing bodies sticking together, I just sat on the bar drinking my beer when a girl came up to me

"hey, there wanna dance?" she asked flirty

"no I'll pass, enjoy yourself" I replied turning to my drink, she stood there for a while then went away swinging her hips that's when I heard a chuckle coming from next to me, I turned around to see the source of it, and there was a girl sitting there with her wavy hair and a simple outfit she didn't seem the party kind of girl to me

"what's so funny?" I asked her and she turned to me so I could see her face perfectly, and she had those big beautiful eyes

"this situation" she replied taking a sip from her drink that was a coke

"what do you mean?" I insisted

"girls that doesn't value themselves and just jump at any guy they see" she turned to me again

"it's not my fault I'm so hard to resist" I replied cockily and she laughed at that

"yeah right" she simply replied standing up and before she could walk away I spoke

"one night"

She turned around raising her eyebrow

"give me one night to prove to you that any girl could fall for me" I told her confidently and she smirked folding her arms next to her chest

"what makes you so sure?" she asked

"what do you have to lose?" I replied

"a night" she said smiling

"well, I'll assure you it will be a night you won't regret" I said standing in front of her

"I hope so, or less my last night here will go to waste" she replied turning around and I followed her outside

"where to?" she asked once we stepped out of the club, I pointed behind her and she turned around

"exciting" she said walking over to my motorcycle

I walked over and handed her a helmet , she jumped behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist directly as I started the motorcycle, the night was quiet and peaceful the stars where so bright here in New York city and I knew this was a start to a very interesting night.

Aria's POV:

At the age of 18 I started to think that my life isn't that exciting, I mean I go to school hang with friends so when I had a chance to visit my aunt in New York I was so excited, and coming here show me that I was living my life the wrong way, here in New York there is so much life, too many people, you can do whatever you want to and no one will care no one will remember and nothing will matter here seeing all this I promised myself that I'll be the person I always wanted to be and do something different and that's why I'm riding a motorcycle with a stranger at night going to god knows where but life is about taking chances and risks, that's what I'm trying to do

The motorcycle came to a stop next to a small diner, I took my helmet off and jumped off the bike soon followed by the guy

"this is the start of our journey" he said opening the door for me to get in.

"wouldn't want you to get hungry now" he added smiling and we took a seat a waitress soon came to take our order

"hello, what can I get for you?" an old women asked

"we'd like to have two cheer burgers with a milkshake for me and a coke for her" he said nicely with a sweet smile and she nodded taking our order

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