Chapter 4

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Nathan's POV:

"Dad do you think that's really necessary?" I asked dad on the phone

"son it's your decision I won't stop you from seeing your mother and I won't pressure you to see her either" he replied from the other side of the phone

"it's been years now and I'll just go spend the summer there as if nothing happened?" I asked now getting angry passing in my apartment

"she has been trying to contact you since forever and I think this will be your chance to get closer and maybe meet your-" he started but I didn't let him finish

"don't you dare say my brother, how can you be so forgiven after she lied and cheated on you?" I questioned

"it's over now all in the past and we all moved on son life doesn't stop when someone leaves" he explained "know that forgiveness is good for you not for her" he added and hang up.

I put my hand throw my hair messing it and drop myself on the sofa closing my eyes

I've being going to college now for two years and living by myself in this apartment things are going good partying with friends and hanging out as for girls I dated some and break up with them no one deserved my times they were all the same fake and only cared about my looks and money, unlike that girl from that night she didn't even fall under my charm I opened my eyes to prevent myself from thinking of her, it's been two years now and she cross my mind each time I go to that diner or ride that yacht heck everything in New York reminds me of her and I should stop thinking about her because we'll probably never meet again.

"the flight heading to California..." the voice echoed in the airport and I took my bag heading to the entrance, after a lot of thinking I decided to give it a shot and go visit mom after all it's summer break and California is a good place to spend the summer in although I'd rather go to some tropical island with friends but I'll have time for that.

The plane landed and I took a cab giving him the address dad send me after a while the cab stopped in front of a house, it was nice looked cozy

"thanks" I handed the cab driver the money and he drove away I stood facing the door and rang the bell after moments the door swing open

"what did you forget Amand-" her words died when she looked at me and my eyes widen, this can't be possible can it? We said nothing just stood looking at each other after moment of silence I spoke

"Hey" I said with a smile

"Hi" she replied, then a baby started crying "she must be awake, be right back" she said and ran inside then came back holding a baby girl "Shhh it's okay Shhh Ava" she kept whispering until the baby stopped crying.

"I would invite you to come in but it's not my house and I'll have to ask you who are you first" she said looking at me, I stepped in and closed the door behind me

"you don't have to worry, this is my mom's house" I informed her and she nodded

"Oh, that's right Mike mentioned that he had a step brother" she mumbled more to herself but I heard her, I went and sat in the living room waiting for her to join but she didn't after a while she came back

"had to feed Ava" she said sitting next to me and I smiled

"this is your first time here 'cause I never saw you before in Cali" she mentioned

"yeah, first time" I replied

"must be difficult" she whispered and I turned to look at her "you told me your mom left, it's kinda hard for you to see her again and also with a family" she explained

"it doesn't matter actually" I replied honestly

"got used to living without her" we said at the same time and we turned to look at each other and smiled the sound of the front door being closed break out staring moment footsteps were heard then a guy appeared

"Aria love" he said and she turned around and ran to him for a hug he held her and turned her

"Mikey babe!!!" she exclaimed

"finally seeing you, missed you, you keep getting sexier babe" he said and she laughed

"you're a hot beast yourself" she replied and they laughed, I got angry I don't know why, she wasn't my girlfriend to have the right to get jealous but I wanted that hug I wanted to be the reason of her laughter, I stood up and cleared my throat and they both turned

"euh, hey" Mike said unsure then looked at her

"this is your step brother as I've being told" she informed him and his eyes widen and came to me

"Nathan, nice to finally meet you" he said shaking my hand

"me too man" I replied faking a smile

"Aria let's go check on our baby" he said side hugging her "feel comfortable man, mom and dad are out for dinner they'll be here soon" he added and with that they were out of the living room

"fuck!" I whispered, their baby? She was his damn wife? No it can't be he's only 20 can't be married she had many ambitions.

Sound of laughter bought me out of my thoughts

"Nathan" a soft voice said and I just forced a smile as she ran to me giving me a hug

"oh my boy, I terribly missed you I can't believe you finally agreed on coming" she said and I hugged her back as she cried

She break the hug and whipped her tears

"this is John" she pointed to the man and I nodded at him and he just nod back

"and John this is my son Nathan" she informed that's when Mike and Aria joined

"nice to meet Nathan" John said shaking my hand

"you too John" I replied

"ah love birds are here" mom said looking at Aria and Mike

"Ava is awake and she's laying in her room" Aria informed

"ah thank you so much honey for babysitting her, come Nathan I'll show you your little sister" she held my hand dragging me to the room and I mentally laugh at myself how could I possibly think that Ava was Aria's child

Amanda carried baby Ava in her arms and bough her closer to me

"say hello to your brother Nathan" she said and Ava just looked at me and laughed she was the cutest baby ever

"she likes you, she only laughs when she likes someone" Amanda told me and put Ava back on her bed

"Nathan the guest room is right over there, you can put your bag there and settle in" she said while we're making our way back to the living room, I just nodded

We entered and Aria was sitting with Mike on the sofa laughing at something he said she noticed us and stood up

"Amanda I better get going now, dad is waiting for me at home" she informed

"Ah okay honey, thank you so much for your help come visit soon" Amanda said

"I will have a good night everyone" she said smiling then looked at me

"Night Nathan" she gave me the most beautiful smile ever, even my name sounded so good when she said it

"Night Aria" I replied and she turned around leaving .

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