Chapter 3

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Two years later:

Aria's POV:

"I'm home" I announced opening the door to my parents' house

"oh my girl Aria how I missed you" dad said giving me a bone crashing hug

"can't breathe" I said and he let go of me "missed you too dad" I added

Now I came back home from college for summer break California is as sunny and beautiful as always, I'm on my second year in college and I study photography after seeing the pictures I took two years ago in New York I fell in love with photography and decided that becoming a magazine photographer is my dream, as for that New York guy I haven't heard from him since I always keep getting these memories I also have that picture he took for us, sometimes I feel so stupid still looking at it and it's being two years now he must've forgotten about me

"you go settle in, didn't touch anything in your room take a rest and we can go grab dinner, okay sweetheart?" he said kissing my forehead and I took my bag to my room and laid on my bed closing my eyes, college has being going really great have a really nice roommate and things are great, I never got a boyfriend even though I went on a bunch of dates but it never worked I guess that after that night in New York with that guy now every person I went on a date with I keep comparing them to him when I shouldn't

I turned around and look at my mom's pictures that was on my night stand

"wish you were here mommy" I whispered a tear escaped my eyes, mom passed away when I was ten years old it was difficult for me and my father to get over it he was sad and scared how he'll raise me alone, at moments I really needed my mom but I never made my dad feel like it because he did his best and I love him so much, now I think he should give himself a chance it's hard for me to see him with someone else but it's been ten years now and he deserves to be happy

My phone rang and I answered directly


"Hey Ari how are you?!" Mike said

"I'm fine, what about you?" I replied

"great,I'm actually back to Cali, mom had been saying how much she missed me and that I had to see my little sister and how she's grown now" he said

"I'm in California too actually, and by the way how old is baby Ava now?" I asked about his sister she's so adorable I didn't see her since she was a new born child

"she's good, one year old adorable baby" he said

"I'll come visit soon" I said

"that would be great, mom would love to see you she still have these theory that we should date and be a future husband and wife though" he said jokingly and I laughed, me and Mike had been friends since we were kids although he's 21 and I'm 20 now our friendship is still the same

"well I gotta go now, talk to you later" he said

"okay take care Mikey Babe" I said, our nicknames for each other

"you too Ari love" he replied and hang up

Then there was a knock on the door and it opened

"I see you didn't unpack yet" dad said standing in the door farm

"yeah, I was laying I'll do it later" I told him

"it's fine, well start getting ready we'll be leaving for dinner in half an hour and wear something fancy" he said and went out closing the door behind him

I was going to say that a pizza or burger would do it but he had already planned to go to a fancy restaurant so let it be

Dad works as a CEO at a very known company and he's pretty good at his job

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