12.ur drunk and call him

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:-) happy friday if it's friday. or maybe happy monday idk

Harry- Harry has just finished his concert that night, and he hears his phone ring. His face lights up with a smile after seeing that it's you.
"Hey Y/N!" He says, happy you called him but sad that you're all the way in America right now. "HIIIII HAROLD!" An unfamiliar voice to him screamed into the phone, making him push it away from his ear. "Uh...who's this?..." He asked confusedly. "Oh it's me Harry, that was just my friendddd! She's riding a fucking unicorn right now! WOAH!" You scream into his ear. "Y/N, darling, do you need me to send someone to pick you up? I think you're a bit tipsy." He said. "Ohhh, Harryyyy, no need for thattt. I'm just a little drunk, okay. BYEEEEEEEEEEE!" You scream.

Niall- Niall had bee worried for about three hours, as it was 3 AM and you had said you'd be home by midnight. He finally decided to call you. "Princess?" He asked when you picked up. "NEIL, IM ON MY WAY HOME OKAYYYY. BOO YEAAHH!" You said loudly. "LOOK OUT THE DOOR." And hung up. He was surprised, but obeyed and opene the front door, and saw you wobbling up the driveway with your makeup streaming down your face, and your high heels in your hands. "HI NEIL!" You screamed to him, waving and then falling on the gravel. "WOOPS!" He ran out and picked you up bridal style, carrying you in to the house.

Zayn- "Fuck, fuck, fuck, Zayn, I fucking forgot my fucking mother-fucking lipstick." You moaned, as he layed you in bed. "I need that lipstick. It costed fucking thirty dollars. I need that lipstick. FUCKING LIPSTICK." Zayn just say back and laughed as you were holding it in your hand.

Liam- You texted Liam because you were a bit tipsy, but autocorrect messed it up.
You: lime u Ned 2 pike me up drunk I'm
Liam: Where are you Babe?
You: Im at Bar in London streets Poptart
Liam: I'll find you, don't worry. Be right there
You: Okay dkdjdjfb McGuire

Louis- "I'm happy I swear," You told Louis on the phone. "I didn't ask you...? But okay, that's great." "I told you I'm happy I love my purse!" "Okay...I'm coming to pick you up." "No! My purse is okay, too!" "I'm getting in the car right now, babe." "My PURSE IS FINE OKAY! NO NEED!"


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