In her Shadow

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"Luna, who is this handsome young man?" Mother asks as Luna, my younger sister, walks in with her arm linked with Justin Browns. Hope filled my parents eyes as excitement shun in Luna's. I sat at the table sketching wondering how the alpha to be could possibly be Luna's mate? He was well mannered and had a mature sense to him while she was the rude, sassy, don't really care kind of chick.

"Mom, this is Justin Brown, alpha Corbin's son, my mate." Luna gushes, a squeal escaping her blood red lips. I just stared at them unsuprised as I returned to the paper in front of me. My father cheered as my mother all but squeaked in joy. She grabbed poor Justin up in a hug, and next thing I knew a big family hug fest was going down. Of course, I steered clear of the drama. I always did.

Suddenly a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up into Luna's big Brown eyes. I don't understand why I look so different from my family. My hairs practically white and my eyes are brighter blue than anyone's I've ever seen. I sighed, her platinum hair tumbling down over her shoulders in gentle waves. "Jayn, don't worry. You will find your mate someday." She tells me, probably confusing my lack of interest for sadness. I nodded my head and looked away from her. I could see my parents looking down on me from the corner of my eyes, probably disappointed once again that my younger sister could find a mate before me. Weird. Maybe there was something wrong with me...

I got up, gave everyone a small annoyed smile as I walked outside and ventured down to my friend Katie's house. I got up to her front porch and knocked on the door. Moments later Katie's brother Sebastian opened the door. Great thing about packs is we all have our own secluded neighborhoods brought to you by our nation's scared as he'll government. Our pack is violetriver, given to us by a former, our packs first, alpha Zachary when he found this place beneath the twilight sky making the river look purple.

"Oh, hey Jayn. Katie isn't home." Sebastian tells me and I give him a confused look.

"Where is she then?" I ask, needing to talk to someone.

"With her mate. Turns out it was Brian Clifford from the Greysong pack." He chuckled, probably in disbelief. Brian was known for pranks and jokes and his entire pack was nothing but a bunch of go if offs. That explains why there's so few left because they are the easiest to kill. Werewolves may be territorial, and if we want land, or I should say, if Blackskies pack wants your land, you leave or your as good as dead. Their alpha, whom I have never met, Ryder Dawn is the alpha of alphas. Strongest werewolf with the strongest pack, and a complete monster. He killed my best friends father after all, because of a minor disagreement. If i ever got the chance, I'd kill him.

"Oh. Well tell her I dropped by." I tel him and walk off. Great, so now even Katie has found her mate. Am I the only wolf who can't find hers? Maybe I don't have one, maybe I did something wrong and I was being punished for it. Who knows.

I'm almost home when I hear a cry from the woods. Thank goodness for our sharp hearing. I ran into the trees were my eyes nearly boggled out of my head. Luna was beneath a tall man, not Justin either. He had a knife to her throat and she was pleading fir him to let her live. Why is he attacking my sister? I froze as I heard him speak.

"Well I just can't do that. I want your land. Your boyfriend's the soon to be alpha of this pack. If i kill you, my chances rise a lot higher in gaining what I want then ever before." He smiles at her, a vicious smile. It was then I knew who he was.

Ryder Dawn.

I gulped as I felt fear twist in my gut. He was just about to slice my crying sister throat when I jumped on him, pulling him off her so we rolled and found him on top of me. I gasped as his green eyes glared into my blue ones and suddenly everything stopped. I felt my inner wolf suddenly cry at his touch. The word passed threw my mind like a horrible, wretched curse.


He stared at me, his jaw dropping a bit as he stared at me in confusion, and pulled himself off me. I regained composure and threw my knife at him that almost hit him too but landed in a tree a few inches off from his head. I growled and felt my inner wolf plead me to stop. My hands started to shake as I stood up and g2gge gave me one last glare.

"I never wanna see you again." He spat, running off. I half expected him to kill me. But he couldn't. His inner wolf would never allow that. Just like mine made me miss when I threw that knife. I huffed, and helped Luna up who was now gaping at me with disbelief

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