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Okay just to start off, the idea isn't mine. I don't know who's it is, but I'm giving them the credit for this plot line. The picture above is where I got the idea from! Also, I apologize if the chapter is short. The other chapters will be longer.


"Thank you, come again!" I call out to the customer.

Hi, my name is Juvia. I'm 22 years old. I live and work in a potion brewery shop. My home is right above the shop. I live in a small town called Magnolia. It's kinda like a stop-and-shop for wizards passing through. I'm also a water wizard. I'm not the best, but I have my strengths. The sad thing is, is that I can't see any of these so called "colors" I hear couples talking about. If they can see them, why can't I?

But that's not important. What is important is that I stay positive and not dwell on it. After all, maybe some people just get lucky.


Ugh, these people are taking forever! I just want to close up the shop and go home.

I'm Gray. I'm 24 years old. I live here in this small town called Magnolia. Not many people live here, and if they do, they work at shops for passing wizards, people who actually are making something of their lives. I'm an ice wizard. I'd say I'm an awesome wizard, but apparently I'm not, because if I were, I wouldn't be stuck here.

I hear the customers that won't leave speak.

"Isn't this a nice shade of red!" The woman exclaims.

"It is. A beautiful color." The man says. Like what the hell are colors? I hear people talk about them but I can't see any of these reds or greens or blues. The only colors I can see are black and white. Nothing more and nothing less.

"Hi, we'd like to buy these." The woman says. She lays down two cloaks.

"Yeah sure." I say as I ring them up. "Your total is 60 joules." She hands over the money. I put it in the register and hand her her products. She smiles as she and her husband walk out.

Once they leave, I go over and flip the open sign to closed. I begin to sweep the floors and reorganize the shelves. After all that is done, I leave the store, locking the door.

"Finally. I can go home." I begin to walk home through the cold winter night. My home is a few blocks away in an apartment complex.

I'm walking past the food market when I spot a shaded haired mistress at a stand. I've never seen her before. She must be a passing wizard. C'mon. Even a chick has a better life than me.

She smiles at the cashier and walks away. I turn my focus back to walking. Then, it starts pouring. Really?! Rain in winter?!?! My life has terrible luck. I begin to run. But my running comes to a halt as I run into someone.


I pay for my fruits and vegetables, smiling and thanking as I leave. But as I'm walking home, it starts to rain. I sigh as the water droplets splatter the ground. I just continue walking as I put up my umbrella.

I'm walking when a sudden force plows me over. But in the moment, time seems to slow down. All these different lights appear. Many of them. These must be colors! They're so pretty and bright!! But that moment soon returned to its fast moving pace as I'm now sitting in a puddle with a handsome guy on top of me.

"S-sorry." He says as he stands up and offers me a hand. I take it and stand up. "You okay?"

"I-I'm okay." I look down as my face heats up. Why did I see all those pretty colors? And just for that one moment? I'll have to be sure to research it when I get home.

I'm about to ask him if he saw the colors too, but he begins to speak.

"Again, I'm sorry. But I gotta go." And with that, he walks away.

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