Chapter 1 || Goodbye America

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|| Lacey's POV ||
The sound of the alarm rang through my ears piercing the air. I jolted out of my dreamless sleep and looked around confused. The alarm to my right was beeping mercilessly until I slammed my palm onto the off button. I stretched and yawned before creeping out of my bed and walking towards my bathroom. After splashing some water in my face I looked in my mirror and realized what day it was today, moving day. I trudged down the stairs towards my kitchen when I heard a high-pitched bark from my feet, the sound made me jump slightly, I peered down and realized it was just my Pomeranian Delilah. I picked her up in one swift movement and continued my journey towards the kitchen when I arrived my parents were sitting at the kitchen table drinking a strongly scented coffee that wafted throughout the kitchen.

"Good morning mom," I said giving her a hug, "good morning dad." I said repeating the action.

"Morning sweetheart." My mother responded mindlessly.

"What are you guys up too?" I said staring at the large map sprawled across the table.

"Planning out our trip." My father replied.

"Leave it to you guys to plan your entire trip 2 days before its happening." I said grinning.

"Haha very funny, and speaking of trips don't you leave for one in a few hours?" He countered.

"Yeah yeah yeah I'm getting ready when do we leave for the airport?"

"We'll leave in a half-hour for LAX leaving you an hour to get through security and to your flight." My mom hummed.

"Alright I'm going to finish packing." I said swiping the last banana from the center of the table.

I headed back up the stairs and stopped at the doorway of my room. It was completely empty apart from my bed, dresser, and luggage. The bulk of my things has been sent to my Aunt Cici last week. I finished eating my banana while zipping up my suitcase. Delilah whined as I packed her toys into my duffel bag.

"Don't worry you'll see them again." I cooed as I placed her on my bed.

I walked to my bathroom and brushed my long dark hair and teeth not bothering with makeup. I finished packing up my toiletries and dropping them into my duffel bag then zipping it closed. I hauled my things to the bottom of the steps and ran back upstairs. I checked my small black backpack for all the necessities for the flight: laptop, iPad, phone, wallet, and makeup. I slung the backpack over my shoulder and skipped down the stairs.

"Ready dad?" I shouted towards the kitchen.

"Yup I'm coming!" He replied as he pecked my mom on the lips and told her he'd be back in an hour.

I hugged my mom tightly and said, "I'll miss you mom, I love you."

"You to baby you to. Call us when you get there and whenever you need anything, we'll call you when we get to Europe." I heard her voice break a little.

"Alright call and FaceTime me as soon as you can!" I said not letting myself cry for the sake of my parents.

"Okay bye sweetie have a safe flight." She said bidding me goodbye.

My dad and I walked towards the car and I hopped into the passenger seat while he loaded my things into the trunk of the car. We drove to the airport in close to silence. When we arrived he unloaded my bags and we exchanged hugs and goodbyes similar to the ones I had with my mom.

I started my way towards security when I got a text from my best friend Alice.

Alice - Hey have you boarded yet? ✈️
Me - No I don't board till 10am which is 3am tomorrow their time if that makes sense.
Alice - Oh ok cool. I have some news...
Me - What is it?
Alice - I was accepted to Santa Monica Prep 😢
Me - What?! That's amazing! Why the crying face?
Alice - Because your going to SMHS
Me - Don't be sad about that! Your going to have a great time there with all your smart friends!!
Alice - You should have applied! Your just as smart as anyone there!!
Me - I don't want to go to a preppy high school though.
Alice - Nor do I! But you know my parent are making me!!
Me - Its ok we'll still see each other everyday you do live across the street from me.
Alice - Not this summer!! Your going to be half way across the world in 15 hours!!
Me - Come on Alice, I'll be home before you know and you'll see me everyday after school, you'll see me so much you'll get sick of me!
Alice - I could never get sick of you. But I'm probably keeping you I'll text you later FaceTime me when you get to the gate!!
Me - Okay! I'll ttyl

I saw the ellipses disappear and knew she was no longer in the conversation I sighed and walked over to the bag check I checked my suitcase, duffel bag, and Delilah and headed to security. There was close to no line which was rare at LAX. I slipped off my shoes and put them in a bin with my backpack. I unzipped my backpacked and dumped all the electronics into a separate bin. I walked through the metal detector without it going off thank the lord and headed to the end of the conveyor belt to grab my stuff.

I arrived at my gate with 10 minutes to spare I decided to grab some food before boarding the plane. I browsed through a small store and ended up buying a Vitamin Water, some trashy magazines, and some gum. A strong but delicious scent filled my nose, so after paying for my meager items I followed the scent. It lead me to none other then Chipotle so I ordered a burrito to eat on the airplane so I wouldn't have to pay as much on the plane.

"Flight 218 to Sydney, Australia will begin boarding in 1 minute." An unknown voice announced over the intercom.

I hurried to the line of people waiting to board. When I got there I shoved my Chipotle and other things in to my backpack and dug around for my ticket. I zipped up my back pack with ticket in hand ready to head to Australia. While waiting for the line to slowly move I decided I didn't have time to FaceTime Alice so I took a short video message saying bye and showing her what the airport looked like. She replied with a smiley face.

Once I was on the plane I found my seat, First Class apparently. I silently thanked Cici for buying me First Class however after being informed the flight would take 14 hours and 20 minutes. I settled into my seat and took a deep breath. Gazing out of my window I tried to absorb my surroundings and remember as much as I could about L.A., because in 14 long hours I would be miles away from my familiar hometown.
The pilot announced we would be taking of so I fastened my seatbelt and readied myself for Sydney, Australia, saying goodbye to the familiar and hello to my future.

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