New Year, New Plan (Part 1)

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CHAPTER FOUR: New Year, New Plan

I was at the bottom of a tunnel or a hole with a single light source coming from the top. Putting my hand on the side, I pulled back in shock not expecting it to be so cold. I touched it again, the rocky surface I expected was smooth like metal sheeting or a polished granite work surface.

Near me, was one leg as the other had been professionally removed; a man sat alone with one hand over one eye. Crouching down, I peered at the man – he had grey hair and looked dazed and confused  as if he hadn't  a clue how he ended up at the bottom of the hole.

"Don't trust him," He grabbed onto my sleeve with his free hand, "Help me."

Bolting upright, I ran a hand through my semi-dry hair; first night back and I dreamt about a man trapped at the bottom of what could be a mental drain. Never once did these dreams happen at home, it was always at school. Talking to myself as I got changed for class, it was mostly endless rambling as I put my books in my bag and zipped up the side of my boots. Drizella was happily asleep still on the spare bed, her toy monkey held captive in her paws as her back leg moved when she dreamed.
Sitting with her head between her knees, Hadleigh braided part of her hair before pulling it up in a ponytail grabbing her cloak from the bottom of her bed and pulled me down the stairs. In the common room, Jack was sitting by himself with a pile of books next to him on the coffee table he gave us a wave as we passed not looking up from his book.

"So what's your plan this year?" She asked as we made our way to breakfast.
I smiled," I'm thinking maybe doing some more research into this Dreamwalker thing like it's been a few years and whilst it's quiet and no one is trying to kill us might be the best time. Maybe I'll join the Choir this year now Quidditch isn't happening. What about you?"
"That sounds like quite the academic plan Cel." She smiled brightly," I am going to be joining the Gobblestones club."
"Have you ever played Gobbblestones?" I asked as we took a seat in the hall.
She shook her head," Nope but I'm going to ask Michael to teach me."
"Ooooh," I sang.
She blushed furiously as she tried to suppress a smile," Shut up."

Professor Flitwick wished us a good morning as he put our timetables next to our plates. Padma groaned as she read through her day.
"Merlin I can't wait to drop Divination." Padma sighed," Only two years left of it."
Hadleigh shrugged," It's not terrible."
"If I could, I would've taken Arithmancy." I shrugged pouring a cup of coffee as I looked over my class schedule.

Monday and Wednesday.

First: Divination
Second: Potions
Break: 20 mins
Third: Study Hall
Fourth: Defence against the dark arts.
Lunch: 2 hours
Fifth: Transfiguration


First: Herbology
Second: Potions
Break: 20 mins
Third: Potions
Fourth: Charms
Lunch: 2 Hours
Fifth: Care of Magical Creatures


First: Care of Magical Creatures
Second: History of Magic
Break: 20 mins
Third: Study Hall
Fourth: Charms
Lunch: 2 Hours
Fifth: Herbology


First: Free
Second: Divination
Break: 20 mins
Third: Charms
Fourth: Potions
Lunch: 2 hours
Fifth: Defence against the dark arts.

Midnight: Astrology.

Dinner: Seven PM till Nine PM every night.

Picking up a sandwich, we walked towards our classroom in the North Tower, the circular trap door was open; the ladder was replaced with a tight circular staircase. The classroom hadn't changed much, the crystal balls were in boxes on the shelves and the teacups were piled high in front of the windows. I sat in a section that was close to my Ravenclaw and Gryffindor friends, from across the room Draco sat with Blaise – the two already looking bored before the lesson had begun.
Gentle, cream parchments lay flat in front of us – the layout of the term written in blocks starting in September and ending in July.
"Welcome back," Professor Trelawny spoke whimsically," Today we will just be going through this term –"

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