Another Teacher Bites the Dust

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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Another teacher Bites The Dust.

Everyone was talking about Sirius Black's escape

At breakfast, it was on everyone's lips as the created theories on how it could've happened – not even one was remotely close.
Professor Snape looked smug, the seat next to him empty with a full placemat prepared.
Hadleigh was in front of me, looking very summery in a floral sundress and sandals; Padma was sitting with her sister for breakfast.
The spoon was halfway to my mouth when an unfamiliar owl dropped a letter by my plate.

Miss Celyn J Longbottom,

Your appointment with Doctor William Facilier at 10:45 on July 24th, 1994.

Location: St. Mungo's Hospital,
Janus Thickey Ward,
Fourth Floor.


Sophie Armstrong
Janus Thickey Ward, receptionist.

"What's that?" Anthony asked, his mouth full of food.
I sighed," Check up from the quidditch incident earlier."
He nodded," Ah, did they work out why you fell?"
I held the letter up," Nope, but I'm going to."
Isabelle smiled, "It's probably nothing like temporary blindness due to bright light or something."
"Yeah." I nodded," Maybe."

Dumbledore stood up, his half-moon spectacles on his face." We have come to the end of yet another marvellous year. For those leaving us today, I wish you all the very best in your endeavours, I hope you all remember Help will always be given at Hogwarts for those who ask for it. Hope you all have a safe and good Summer."

Robb's face was all screwed up as breakfast ended, his friends laughed at him before their group clasped hands together cross the table – the six of them exiting the hall; each on sneaking a glance before they turned the corner.

"I couldn't imagine leaving here." Michael said," What would we do?"
"Not get killed by random things that just happen each year," Anthony suggested.
Hadleigh laughed," What's it next year, we've had a teacher who was a host of you-know-who, a killer snake, a mass Murder on the loose; what's next?"
"Hogwarts!" I said dramatically," The OFSTED inspection!"
Isabelle laughed into her pumpkin juice," Hope not, it would fail on student endangerment."
Michael nodded as we grabbed our trunks from the back of the room," I suggest we get rid of the Gryffindors and all our troubles will be over."
Sue shrugged," But then that still leaves us with Slytherin."
"They haven't exactly tried to kill us though." Anthony pointed out.
"Lockhart was a Ravenclaw so, they gonna get rid of us for creating him?" I questioned.

Isabelle shuddered," With that, we never mention him again?"
"Agreed." We chorused, dragging our trunks behind us.

Professor Flitwick checked us off his parchment, taking our luggage to be added to the cargo hold.
Drizella bounded into the nearest carriage, making herself comfortable on the seats. My smile dropped as I saw the same black flash I did at Christmas, When I turned to look – it was gone like it was never there in the first place

Neville gave me a wave as he approached Professor McGonagall with a group of Gryffindors in our year.
Our cart pulled off, large wheels covering a large surface area; it was a half an hour journey to Hogsmeade Station; the sun was just about barrable. I had my legs going over the two benches to create a little shade for my fluffy friend.

Climbing out of the carriage, I wrapped my arms around Isabelle then tapped fists with Anthony and Michael.
"Have a wonderful holiday." I cheered.
Isabelle smiled brightly," It's going to be the best one we've had."
"Speak for yourself. "Anthony groaned," Mum wants to go to America this summer to see the Bakery in Manhattan."
Michael rolled his eyes," Poor Goldstein having to go on Holiday – "
"Shut it, Mike." Anthony pushed his friends.

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