Calum Imagine - Best Friends

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It was almost midnight and Calum was getting ready to hit the sack after a long day at the studio. He walked towards his bedroom's window to shut the blinds after changing into comfortable clothes and that's when he caught sight of a human figure seated on the steps leading to the front porch of the house. He quickly runs downstairs, taking a glance through the first floor windows to get better sight of the person outside. "What the-" he whispers, realizing it's his best friend who's been sitting in the freezing cold all that time. He promptly grabs a blanket from the living room and heads outside where you sat, your whole body shaking...arms wrapped around your legs pulling them closer to your chest..and tears streaming vigorously down your face.

"Y/N, are you crazy? What the hell do you think yourself doing?" he yells wrapping the blanket around your weak body and pulling you into the house. He closes the door and instantly enfolds your body with his arms. "Come here..Let's Sit down" he motions you towards the couch in the living room, kneeling down beside you and blowing on your freezing hands to get you warm.

"He...He cheated on me Calum" you stutter through the dense amount of tears falling down your face," I- I came home early today a-and I saw clothes scattered everywhere on the floor. T-Then I went upstairs to the bedroom and I heard them calum...I can still hear it all in my head..I peeked through the door... and I found him with another girl. I didn't know what to do..I couldn't walk in and confront him..I'm not strong enough...He'll just give me one of his sweet talks and lie about how he never meant to hurt me ...and I'll believe him".

Calum looks at you with a shocked expression, words unable to escape from his mouth. "Y/N..I'm so sorry" he finally spoke after some silence, anger obvious in his eyes. "All I want to do is beat the shit out of him..I knew he's a dick but I never thought he'd stoop so low." calum said furiously, now pacing back and forth across the room with his hands clasped behind his neck trying to contain his anger.

"What is wrong with me Calum? Why does everyone insist on hurting me? You question with an aching voice. "I think it's me...You know I tend to complain a lot...and I always question where he's going and with who and why is he always coming home late...No guy wants to ever feel that he can't be trusted or that he's constantly under pressure". "Unbelievable!!", calum said with a little laugh, turning to face you, completely stunned with what just came out of your mouth, "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO MAKE EXCUSES FOR HIS SHITTY BEHAVIOR HUH?? HE TREATS SO BAD INFRONT OF EVERYONE BUT Y/N IS OKAY WITH THAT CAUSE 'HE'S JUST HAVING A BAD DAY'...HE IGNORES YOU ALL DAY AND COMES HOME DRUNK EVERY NIGHT BUT YOU DECIDE TO SHRUG IT OFF CAUSE 'HIS JOB IS STRESSING HIM OUT'. HE TREATS YOU LIKE SHIT AND YOU BLAME YOURSELF FOR IT".

"WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME??!!" you scream back, lifting your hands to cover your ears.


"Calum you're my best friend...and I know you're worried but I-"

"Y/N I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR FUCKING BEST FRIEND!!!" he blurts, leaving you startled. He then moves back towards you, kneeling again by your side and grabbing your hands in his. " I want to be the person who holds your hand in public....who pulls you into his chest whenever you're having a bad day or when watching a scary movie...The one who will fight for you and protect you no matter what...The person who is willing to give you all the love that you truly deserve, tells you how beautiful you are everyday...And most importantly, a person who's eager to bring back that beautiful smile of yours that I haven't seen for a while..Y/N please let me be that guy...let me be the one who makes you the happiest girl on earth".

All those words left you speechless...Your best friend just confessed his immense love for you...You never thought of Calum much more than a friend but as he stared into your eyes you started to recall all the times he's been there for you and all the great memories you both shared together. Through his eyes, you saw a great amount of love, honesty, pureness, and something you failed to recognize in any of your previous relationships...a future. Calum was the best thing that happened to you but would you risk it all by getting involved in this relationship. What if things don't work out? He's the only thing that's keeping you attached to this life.

"Will you please say something?" calum whispered snapping you back into reality. "Calum" you respond looking down at your hands, confusion evident on your face.

"Alright I get it", he sighs as he gets up,"I'll go get you dry clothes..You can sleep upstairs and I'll sleep here on the couch" Just when he starts walking out of the room, you grab his arm and get off the couch, leaving a small distance between both of you.

"Calum you are not my boyfriend...but I love that you know everything about me. I love your facial expressions. I love the way you call my name. I love that you want to tell me things. I love your smile that makes your eyes light up. I love your smell and how it lingers on my clothes when I hug you. I love our conversations and our friendly flirting", you reach over and intertwine your hands with his, staring down at them, "I love how our hands fit perfectly together. I love that you care about me even though it's not the type of care I prefer. I love that you trust me and that I can trust you.I love how you make me laugh cause I genuinely think you're funny"

"Oh my God!!!" you whisper, "I think I'm madly in love with my best friend and I had absolutely no clue".

You instantly lift your head and you could see a tear trickling down Calum's face. "I've waited so long to hear those words. So long I lost hope that you'll ever realize how much I love you Y/N" he whispers as he rests his forehead against yours for a while.

"Calum? Aren't you supposed to kiss me now?" you murmur softly as you close your eyes, enjoying the delicate touch of his hands around your waist and his soothing nearness.

"Oh we're getting to the good part" he said with a little laugh, brushing the loose strands of hair out of your face and in an instant his lips were on yours causing a rush of heat in your chest, gradually scattering throughout your entire body. Nothing felt better cause at that moment you were utterly lost in the arms of the man you love.

Hey!!! Guys I need imagine ideas...If you've got a specefic scenario with any of the boys, then plz comment. You'll be doing me a huge favour. Thnx ♥

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2015 ⏰

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