Calum Imagine - You're Pregnant

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You were curled up underneath the bed blankets when calum walked through the door."Hey babe" he said with a wide smile. You respond with a lazy Hi. "Are you okay Y/N?".

"I've been feeling sick all day. I think it's because of something I ate or maybe you know...pre-period cramps" you said. "Then I should probably call mum and let her know we won't come over tonight" he said, grabbing his phone out of his pocket. "No Calum!! I'll be fine by tonight.No need to cancel".You grabbed his hand, putting his phone down."Okay...but can I bring you anything?" he asked with a sympathetic face. "A cup of tea would be nice". "Sure babe" he said kissing your forehead before leaving the room.

That night the whole Hood family was gathered around the dinner table.Everyone was laughing,talking, and enjoying the food."Oh Y/N, you should try mum's roast chicken" calum said reaching out to feed you some. You instantly felt sick once you caught the smell of the chicken. You placed your hand over your mouth, rushing quickly to the bathroom. "Y/N?! You okay??!!" calum shouts as you leave the table.He sat beside you at the toilet seat and held your hair away from your face, rubbing your back as you continued throwing up. "Calum honey, why don't you make Y/N some tea while I help her clean up?" calum's mum said as the sickening feeling died down. "Y/N sweetheart how long you've been having these symptoms?" she asked as he left. You explained to her how you've been feeling nauseous and tired all day.

Few minutes later, you leave the bathroom and approach calum."How you feeling now?" he asked with a concerned voice, hugging you tightly."Better...Listen I need to talk to you alone".You both head towards the guest room."Okay calum...I need to tell you something but you have to promise you won't freak out"."Y/N you're scaring me now...What's going on?" he questioned with a nervous tone."All day I've felt like throwing up at the smell of anything, constantly tired, and I've been having these horrible cramps.At first I thought maybe it's because I'll be having my period soon, but then your mum and I counted the number of days since my last period and I discovered I'm late and-". "Y/N!!!What are you trying to tell me here" he said cutting you off. I'm not sure...But I could be pregnant" you shout out the last part, waiting anxiously for his reaction.

"W-What??!!" he said with a little laugh. "But I need to take the pregnancy test before assuming anything.Your sister is on her way to get one from the pharmacy".

"Oh God" he said running his hands through his hair, "By the end of this night, I might become a soon to be father...a father...a child of my own after 9 months...WOW!!!".He just stood there with a wide smile still shocked with the news. "Come here babe" he cheerily said, moving towards you.He tightly wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.

Minutes later, calum's sister arrives with the test kit.You head into the bathroom to perform the test while calum waits impatiently outside. After some time, the bathroom door opens and calum promptly gets off the chair.You stand there with tears running down your face."I'm going to be a mum soon".

He instantly runs towards you, carrying you by your waist and spinning you around.He cups your face kissing you softly. "I love you so damn much" he whispered with a laugh.

"I love you too cal"

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