Avatar: A hidden memory

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Firstly I would like to say that I don't own the characters from Avatar: the last airbender. 

Zuko's point of view:

-So, you must leave Fire Palace now? *looks sadly*

-We have to.. *Katara added * We'll visit my grandmother in Southern Water Tribe.

-We miss her and she misses us. We can't stay here. *Sokka said putting a bag with supplies on Appa's back*

-But don't worry Zuko, we'll visit you again soon. Goodbye Zuko and Mai. *Aang, Katara and Sokka jumped on Appa waving to us*

-Goodbye guys, have a nice trip! *Mai looked really happy for the first time*

-I'll miss all of you but if it's necessary.. Give kisses to Toph and her family. *I said a little louder for them to hear me*

-Sure! Goodbye again! *Aang waved again* Appa, Yip Yip *he ordered Appa and they flew away getting lost in the sky *

Mai looked into my eyes smiling softly. I looked at her thinking about the past. Everything I had done in my life. I tried to find something, a memory in her brown eyes but I couldn't. I tried once again. They weren't blank anymore. When I was staring into her eyes I saw a memory, hidden in them. My mother. I didn't know why but when I was looking into her eyes, I was seeing my mother. Maybe because only my mother loved me as much as Mai does.

But she was away from me now. I wouldn't see her again. I've missed her and I know she has too. If  she's alive... I think this is a mystery that I will probably never be able to solve..

Avatar: A hidden memoryWhere stories live. Discover now