Walking in the past

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Zuko's point of view:

Mai took my hand and hugged me. She told quietly:

-Now that everything is clear, we can finally do somthing I was waiting a long time ago.

We came closer, we closed our eyes and we kissed. I have been waiting to do this so far. I mean now, when the war had been finished. That is now. But I wasn't really sure that everything was clear. Well, this will be solved soon. 

- Let's go inside. I guess you are hungry. I'll order some sushi. *she told me walking inside*

- Am.. I-I am not hungry. You know something? Better eat yourself some sushi.. and I'm coming in a few hours. *I told coldly* But please, don't eat everything! Leave me some! ,I said more playfully to make her laugh, but she was too confused to do it. I left the room. I hurted when I saw her looking at me with that face. She was sad but also confused, with her hands hunginf down. 

-I'm sorry Mai... ,I said quietly out of the room. I know she hadn't heard me.. It was my chance to make everything clear. 


I looked at him angrily and I told him decisively:

-I repeat you one more time. Where's my mother. 

-Well,well. I think I'm the most popular prisoner here. The Lord Prince Zuko visited me! *looks mockingly*

-Just ANSWER ME! *I screamed* I won' let you let you die if you don't tell me everything! 

-Fine. You want to learn the truth, so you will! I'll start from the beggining.. 

Ursa was born to Jinzuk and Rina in the small Fire Nation town of Hira'a. From an early age, she became close friends with a boy named Ikem. Though she would tease him when they were younger, they became a couple as they grew up.

Ursa auditioned for the role of Dragon Empress in the local production of Love Amongst the Dragons. She went to tell Ikem that she had received the role and found him rehearsing his lines on an empty stage during the day. Upon Ikem's request, they rehearsed a scene of the play in which they would have to kiss on stage, but Ursa expressed her dissatisfaction with "masked kissing", as the props stood in the way. Once she had taken off her mask, Ikem startled her with an unnerving stare; Ursa questioned him about it and he promptly proposed. Ursa, after some slight confusion, happily accepted, and they sealed their engagement with a kiss.

-Go on.. *I told, wanting to know the rest of the story*

-Later at night, she gleefully made her way home to tell her mother of Ikem's proposal, but she found her mother crying over Avatar Roku's headpiece. When she inquired as to what was going on and where her father was, her mother told her that he was in the greenhouse with a visitor. However, before Ursa left the room, her mother emphasized that she loved her.

Ursa tearfully bidding Ikem farewell.

Upon entering the greenhouse, Ursa discovered that the guests her mother had been talking about were Fire Lord Azulon and his son, Prince Ozai. I complimented her beauty before mentioning a prophecy made by the Fire Sages that ensured a powerful lineage of rulers to come forth from a marital union between a descendant of Avatar Roku and my own bloodline. I subsequently proposed to Ursa, and she, without a choice in the matter, agreed. As Ursa was leaving town with her betrothed, Ikem blocked the carriage's path. She pleaded with me to order my soldiers to stop, calling the prince "her love". He complied, and she stepped out from the carriage and told Ikem to go home. Despite his begging, Ursa told him that her decision could not be undone, as my proposal had brought honor to her family. She made clear to Ikem that marrying me was what she truly wanted, and, with tears in her eye, told him once more to go home, knowing that it was the only way to ensure his safety. She subsequently left a devastated Ikem by the side of the road.

-So, she was loving Ikem?

-Yes! *sights*During our wedding celebration, I informed Ursa that she should tell her parents that they had always been good to her, revealing that she could no longer have ties with her former life from then on. Thus, she was forced to bid her parents farewell, and started her new life as a Princess of the Fire Nation.

Following her marriage, Ursa gave birth to Prince Zuko,you, and two years later, to Princess Azula. Even after the birth of her two children, she was unwilling to forget the loved ones she had left behind and wrote to them frequently. She employed a palace servant, Elua, to send secret letters to her loved ones in Hira'a, causing Ursa to view her as part of her family, and was eternally grateful for Elua's services. However, unbeknownst to Ursa, none of her letters made it to their destination as Elua had betrayed her trust and filed the notes away on the orders of Prince Ozai. One of the letters was a message of regret and love that read, "My dearest Ikem, it's taken me a long time to admit it, but you were right. I belong with you, and nothing is worth this pain. My one consolation is our son Zuko. When I look into his eyes, it's as if I'm looking into yours. My thoughts are with you always. Love, Ursa."

On a family trip to Ember Island, Zuko nearly drowned in his attempt to assist a turtle crab. After Ozai rescued him, Ursa comforted Zuko by holding him while he recovered from his experience.

Shortly after the death of Lu Ten, I asked my father, Fire Lord Azulon, to pass Iroh's birthright of the throne to me, since I considered Iroh to be unworthy for letting the death of his son get in the way of conquering Ba Sing Se. The request only infuriated Azulon, who declared that I would be fittingly punished for venturing to betray μυ own brother in his time of sadness. Azula, who had hidden behind curtains in the throne room to listen, told υου that it was to have you killed so that I would know how it felt to lose my own firstborn son. By the next morning, Ursa had disappeared, Azulon was proclaimed dead, and I was announced as his willed successor. 

*Zuko was lookng terrifying*

On the Day of Black Sun, I finally shed some light on Ursa's mysterious departure to Zuko, and revealed that Azulon did indeed order me to kill Zuko. Ursa learned of this, and wanting nothing but to protect you, she proposed a plan to me, fully aware of the consequences, which she accepted. The specific details of the plan were not revealed, but it resulted in the death of Azulon, mine ascension to the Fire Nation throne in Iroh's place, and Ursa's banishment from the Fire Nation for doing "vicious, treasonous things".

- Before I leave there's one more thing that I would like to know: IS SHE ALIVE? *I looked at him*

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2013 ⏰

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