His Secret; My Secret

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I continue to watch him run. The speed at which he's running is almost... inhuman? Wait... could he possibly have the same background as me? No, it's impossible. He couldn't be a werewolf? Could he?

I continue to watch this boy run, and as he runs, I see a small piece of an ear pop out from under is hair. I was right! He is like me! He looks me in the eyes as he finishes. My school has three werewolves masquerading as humans. Well, I guess it's four now. I, Kaley and Zack talk from time to time about new ways to hide certain facts about ourselves. The teacher walks over to me.

"Can you run?" I sigh and nod, standing up.

"GIRLS ARE UP! LET'S GO!" The teacher yells from the sidelines as the last boy finishes his run. I line myself up at the line, preparing to run.

"READY, SET, GO!" The teacher calls and I start to run. Running is rather easy for me, because I have extra... gifts? Can I even call it that? Whatever, I just continue to run, as I see the shoes of the "fastest" freshman in my class. Honestly, I'm the fastest but can't show it so technically I'm second. She's right on my heel and I REFUSE to be beaten by this girl. So I pick up my pace, getting faster and faster. The whole time though, Kiro is starting at me. Just staring at me with a smug glance. I slowly start feeling my ears popping out.

"Shit..." I mutter as I slow down a bit, still winning. I pass the line and am instantly swarmed by a group of boys. The center boy asks me a question.

"Why'd you slow down?" I cringe a bit as he asks/

"My foot started to hurt. I injured myself earlier." They simply nodded and allowed me to sit in the benches. I thought I was home-free, but Kiro came and sat next to me. He leans over, and whispers seductively in my ear.

"I saw your ears, Emily." My eyes widen. He then laughs and pulls back a bit, but not much. I stand, hearing the bell ring, and start to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He yells.

"Away from you!" I yell back, quickening my pace to a run. I'm way to embarrassed to speak to him...

A Teen Wolf Love StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt