its wolf love

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He hugged me and I didn't know what to say. I simply hugged him back and we started walking home. We got to my house, and I opened the door.

"Come on in." I said. He walked in, and I smiled closing the door. The second it was closed, my back was pressed against it, his lips tracing my face, jaw, neck and collarbones. I lightly push him back and smile. He smirks lightly.

"Calm down." I say, slightly giggling. He pulls me over to the couch and pushes me against the soft surface, straddling my waist.

"Kiro? What should we do?" He shrugs and starts to kiss me again and continues to kiss all over my face until he gets close to my ear. When he's close to my ear, he whispers softly into my ear and bites my ear lobe.

"I'd like to do you." He winks at me and kisses me once more.

"But would you like to watch a movie?" He asks and I nod. He gets off me and walks over to look at the movies I own. After maybe three minutes or so, he comes back with Pitch Perfect. I smile and he puts it in. The movie starts and Kiro lays us down on the couch. He lies behind me and wraps me up in his arms. Halfway through the movie I fall asleep in his war arms.

-Time Skip-

I wake up with a jolt. I look to my right, seeing Kiro still passed out on my couch. The clock beside the couch reads 7:30 AM and the realisation hits me. I shake the slumbering boy and force him to a stand.

"Whoa, where's the fire?" He asks, still in a haze after waking up. I yank his arm and pull him into the bathroom, shutting the door behind us. After about a second, he realises where we are.

"Why are we in your bathroom? Whatever the reason is..." Because I'm facing the mirror, he has the ability to wrap his arms around my waist. He does just this and starts to kiss my neck, lightly nipping at it.

"Kiro, come on. School starts in like 30 minutes. We have to go!" He sighs and stops kissing me. He grabs the toothpaste container, putting some in his mouth, and swishes it around. After we have finished grooming ourselves, we practically run out the door and down the road towards our school. We came so close to being late, but as soon as we walk in the classroom door, the bell rings. Kaley sees me and pulls out her phone. After about a minute I hear my ringtone. She had sent me a text.

"Oh ya, you get it." The text reads and I glare back at her.

"Shut your face." I text back, and she looks down at her phone with a smirk. I look over to Kiro.

"Hey." I say, looking at him. His expression is strange and causes me to be confused.

"What?" He looks into my eyes with a smile.

"Rawr." He says, causing me to laugh. The bell rang and we all stood starting to walk to our next hour. After sitting in the class for about 10 minutes, I notice no teach present. The principle walks in the room and walks to the front.

"Your teacher called in sick today and we have no one to teach you today. Therefore, we are giving you all a spare block." They leave after speaking and the class is left confused. Whatever, I guess I can do whatever the hell I want then, right? I look around to see Kaley, Kiro and Zack all waving at me.

"Hi." I said

"Sup?" Zack said.

"Hey Zack, by the way, Kaley is mine!" Kaley started to laugh as she moved to sit in between Kiro and I.

"Yes, I am hers." Kiro and Zack started to laugh, standing and walking over to Zack, sitting beside him.

"Hey Zack, bros before hoes, am I right?" They laughed and Kaley and I started to giggle a bit, before she turned and looked at the boys.

"I'm guessing you two are the hoes, right Emily?" She said with a smile and I nod, causing us two to fall into a fit of laughs.

"Are you guys on drugs or something?" Kiro said, causing us to laugh even harder.  

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