My life

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The rain is pouring down hard on the window sill. A lonely girl stares out of the glass, her eyes are dull and are glazed as she looks out the window. I've been watching her for quite some time now. she comes home everyday from school, does her homework and will come back to sit at

that very window. She sits alone in that dark and empty room. she reminds me of my self when I was very young, always alone. My parents never had time for me, the only time my father ever talked to me is when he was yelling saying I was a disappointment to be his child, and my mother was barely around. My father would curse her saying she's bitch and she's always bitching around, but when she would come home it would be around 1:00 in the morning and by then parents would just jump into each others arms and hurry to the bedroom at lock the door. That was the only time I could get away, I would sneak out my bedroom window and go see my only friend Casey. That is the only thing different between me and the girl staring out the window and me, I had one friend "Casey" I mummer her name. I haven't seen her in a long time, ever since the ... I cant even think about it its been so long. My deep blue eyes fill with tears. I have to see her, I wander over to Casey's house, the rain still pouring. "I do hope she hasn't forgotten about me." I spy Casey in the kitchen making her famous pumpkin spice cookies, I could almost smell them. I move to her living room, I finally spy a picture of us with giant smiles on our faces on her mantle. A smile forms on my lips "she hasn't forgotten about me."

(sorry I know its kind of short, sorry, next chapter coming soon)

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