Hospital Pt.1

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(This is now going from like poem writing into a real story)
10 months later
Aubrey's P.O.V
She came home from work I'm in my room hidden from her because I know every time she has a bad day at work she takes her anger out on me. She comes storming into my room
"You little bitch where are you?" She yells and  I'm Hiding in my closet. She comes closer to the closet door.
"Hunny I'm home" Yells my Dad. I hear my mom close my door and run out of my room. I come out of my closet. After she's gone I ran to out of the closet and quickly closed my room door and went into the restroom and took out my pills. I took 3 of each and fell to the floor I blacked out. 
Aubrey's Dad P.O.V
My wife came down the stairs "hey babe" she said and kissed me I kissed her back and gave her some coffee (I served it with the powder of some sleeping pill) and soon she fell asleep. I put her in bed and locked the windows and came out the door I locked it from the outside than I heard a thumping sound from Aubrey's room. I ran into her took where I found her unconscious on the bathroom floor. I picked her up and ran into the car and drove her to the hospital. I regret how I used to treat her but I used to drink so much but now I've been 10 weeks sober. Once I got to the hospital I took my daughter carried her on there. "SOMEONE HELP ME I FOUND MY DAUGHTER UNCONSCIOUS LAYING IN HER BATHROOM FLOOR" I YELLED and a nurse came rushing to me and took my daughter into the x-ray room 1st.

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