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September 23, 2015

I can't remember what I did last night after leaving Silas. I mean I remember walking out of the building but that's about it. Maybe I blocked it out? Whatever. Anyway I am currently in Milan, Italy. The air smells the same as always I think it's much more crisp in the winter, and the people are okay too if you're not a tourist and speak Italian. I don't know why I am here but it reminds me of a simpler time. There use to be clans of vampires here, but after 1963 most of them fled after the megatsunami of The Vajont Dam which killed around 1900 people. Anyway I think Laura would like it here... Maybe...

Carmilla capped her pen and stood up on the edge of the Unicredit Tower, a building that stands seven hundred and fourteen feet off the ground not to the tip. She watched as the city folks walked the streets. What a simple way to live, she thought, to not have to worry about anything except basic human needs and wants. Her thoughts took her beyond normality. She wondered what it would be like to have children one day and be able to actually eat a meal that wasn't Well thick and Crimson. She sat back down and swung her feet over the ledge of the building. Humans, she thought, simple naive beings. She smirked to herself.

Walking the streets of Italy was fun. She had forgotten how much history of her kind revolved around the city. It was as if she was home in some way. The day dragged on and she found herself seeing Her favorite places in twenty four hours, amazing the agility one has after becoming immortal. By 3 a.m. She was packed and ready to go to wherever it was her heart desired other than by Laura's side obviously. Before hitting the road she stopped by a late night pub and pulled out her journal.

September 24, 2015

Italy has been great, but it's time to move on. I still can't remember how I got here but it isn't good for a vampire to dwell to long in ancient ruins. People tend to get antsy, especially older ones who swear they have seen you before. I don't know where I am off to yet again, but you'll know when I do. I wonder how Silas is doing?

She closed the book and left a very enthusiastic tip for the bartender, however she never ordered a drink. The cold street was almost as empty and alone as her heart after ditching Laura, but searching for a place to belong that wasn't at Silas University was harder than it seemed a few days ago and to be honest apart from Laura she missed the crazy friends that didn't know how to knock on a door. Did I eat today? She thought and almost immediately after fell faint in the street. Dosing in and out a dark smoke- like creature carried Carmilla buy the nape of her neck. She would have fought back but her strength was gone and she was limb to the grip of the beast for the first time since she had became a vampire she wanted to scream for help but who would come?

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