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For a month I have been drained of blood, starved and left to the thought of my dead sister, Laura and tormented by the people I've killed throughout my three hundred years. I have only one mission and that is to get off this wall and suck Perry dry and then perhaps rob a hospital blood bank. I have thought of nothing else when I am awake except that red heads jugular vein. Her blood smells like pollen to a bee when she walks in the cold stone room. Hush. That's what she always says and stuffs a blood bag half full in my face. Of course I can't help but to drink it... I mean.. I'm starving. Then she does that weird crap with the syringe and I black out. Out of this entire situation I have learned that no matter how many times you save someone they won't be around when your up to your neck in it. Three hundred years and I'm still learning new things. Yay.

Carmilla attempted pulling her arm from around the silver stake for the hundredth, but the pain was nothing but excruciating. Who knew draining a vampires blood would make them more human?

Is no one coming for me? She thought. Am I that terrible that I'm not worth saving? Her eyes filled with hatred. I give and give and give and all anyone does is take... how could I be so stupid? To think she actually loved me. She's probably laying on Danny right now talking about traveling the world and watching the stars.


"I am a little disappointed that we never got a chance to stargaze and drink champagne." Laura said smiling.

"Really? Because if memory serves me correctly, there is a pretty impressive solarium on the roof top of this building."

"And maybe something bubbly in that enormous wine cellar downstairs."

End of flashback

"Laura!" Carmilla yelled. Her voice shackled the room and carried for miles. She yelled for hours on end hoping someone would hear her.
"Help me!" She screamed, but the echoing shrill only found herself and at this moment she didn't care to be alive.

"So you'll never guess what happened today." Perry said. Carmilla was silent, "Yes! I would love to tell you."

"Uggh... Can't we just get on with the whole stabbing thing."

"After my story Carmilla don't be rude. Now, I was at Silas when your little imbecile friends tied me up and  begged me to tell them where you were. Of course I told them you were as good as dead and well you should have seen the way Laura's face dropped. It was like watching a puppy's foot get caught in a bear trap. She all but gave up right there."

"You better kill me now, because when I get of this wall I am going to rip your head off and drink every single drop of your blood." Her tone was cold as it was the day Mattie died.

"Do your worst, but I would be careful dear we won't want to wake the hell hound." Perry said leaving the cold, stone room and Carmilla hung her head. Hell hound? She thought.

Back at Silas

"We have to find her..." Laura said. Her head was laying on Danny's lap and Danny was running her fingers through Laura's hair.

"We will... We just need to know where she is first."

"Hey Danny... Thanks for being... You know....here." Laura said sitting up.

"It's no problem. I mean where else would I be?"

"With your friends partying and having fun. And hey I know you don't like Carmilla but I really do appreciate you trying so hard. I mean if I didn't know any better I'd think you'd...You know..."

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