Chapter Three

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-3rd POV-
"I never expected to see you until we faced off... But looks like I was wrong." (M/n) said before tossing Aomine the ball and turns around. "I've changed since the last time we played.. Until then, you won't play against me yet." And with that, (M/n) walks away.

-The next day-

While everyone is in the changing room, Huyga picks up the magazine. "Hey Kuroko... Your not in here? Why is that?" Huyga asked while everyone was changing. "They interviewed me.. But they forgot about me and didn't publish my section... But look for Akane." Kuroko said while walking towards him and looking through the magazine until they found the page.

"It said they went to America to interview him... They claim that 'Akane, (M/n) was one of the prodigies and was nicknamed 'Dragon Blade' but it doesn't say why he left the club before leaving the club... But why is he called that?" Huyga asked Kuroko while looking up from his magazine.

Kuroko gazes at everyone but before he could answer, a new voice interrupted him. "I left because they underestimated me.. They went by the saying 'Winning is everything'. Everyone besides Tetsu-kun and I... That's when they changed and I left them." When everyone turned around, they saw (M/n) walk into the changing room.

"The rest of my story will be for another time." (M/n) concluded as he finishes up changing. "Hey did you hear?!?! Riko said we have a practice match! She was even skipping." The one play said. "She was skipping? Be ready everyone, if she is skipping then our opponent will be difficult." Huyga said as everyone walks into the court and starts practice.

Just as Kagami makes the jump, sudden screams of girls interrupt and both Kuroko and (M/n) notice a familiar face. "It's good to see you." Kuroko said towards Kise. "I was around and thought I would say hi..." Kise replied and froze when he recognized a familiar Ravenette. "(M/n)-chii..." Kise mutters.

"It's been a while Ryota... And if you think you would get Kuroko back then your mistaken." (M/n) said while crossing his arms. But before Kise could reply, a ball managed to fly an inch passed (M/n)'s head, said male didn't flinch, and the blonde catches it.

With that Kise beat Kagami by copying his move. While walking back towards the team. "I did indeed come to ask you to give back Kuroko-chii, and since (M/n)-chii is here as well, I want you to give him back too." Kise concludes.

"It's an honor for you to do that, but I'm afraid I have to decline." Kuroko said and (M/n) walks next to Kuroko and continues. "I have to agree with Tetsu-kun.. We belong here, I've changed more than you would think and I don't plan on leaving my team who won't underestimate me like you and the others did." (M/n) said while Kise cries crocodile tears. "Kuroko-chii and (M/n)-chii is so mean~!!" Kise cries out.

-Time skip-

While walking into Majie, (m/n) gets a Vanilla milkshake and sits down by his usual seat only to be met with Kuroko and nods towards him. "So tomorrow is the practice match against Kujio.. I wonder how it will go, since we know Kise will be able to copy Kagami's moves... But not mine, but I'll be benched until then." (M/n) muttered before taking a sip of his milkshake.

Kuroko only listens to (M/n) while drinking his milkshake. Kagami takes a seat next to (M/n) without noticing until he nudged Kagami, causing him to almost choke on his burger. After calming down, Kagami turns towards (M/n). "I heard about you, you know, about your team back in America.. And I heard your nickname is 'Dragon Blade', why?" Kagami asked before taking a bite out his burger.

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