¶ Chapter 2 ¶

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Chorong's POV

I was walking home along with Jin besides me. We walked passed by a house. A very familiar house to me.

The house I used to go everyday on chilhood days.

"Chorong-ah! There is ice cream truck. Do you want some ice cream?" Jin said to me.

I didn't give him an answer. Im just looking at the house. Tears about to fall down.

"Yah?" he asked me.

Suddenly I felt someone hold my wrist and dragged me to a park nearby. I dont know what to do.


"Yah..stop being like this!" Jin asked me with a serious tone.

"What? What did I do?!" I shouted at him.

"Stop hurting yourself. I hate it. I know you are suffering. I know you miss him so much, so do I" Jin said while holding my shoulders.

I didn't give him answers.. Instead of thinking.

That's right. Im hurting myself because of one person.

I miss him so much. He is true.

"What should I do then?" I asked him and look into his eyes.

"Move on" he replied me.

"Move on? Do you think it's easy? I do miss him badly. BADLY!" I shouted.

Finally, my tears falling down.

"Ya..you know..im.." I said while hit his broad shoulder.

Jin didn't stop me.

"Cry. Let out all your feelings to me. And promise me, after this you will move on" He said and hugged me.

I think move on is the hard way and the best way too. What should I choose?

I am thinking while crying in his warm hug.

After 5 minutes, I've made my own decision.

I broke the hug and look at him. I give him a sincere smile.

"How do you feel now?" He smile back.

"I feel so fresh. I promise you. Thankyou. I love you so much Jin" I thanked him and hug him again.

"Nah, it's okay. As long as you are happy now. Don't break the chain that you've promise just now. Okay? " Jin pats my back.

"Yea Jin, I promise you" we did cross finger as a promise.

"Let's go home" he said to me.

"How about the Ice cream just now?" I smirked at him.

"Ah..Who's late, he/she gonna pay the bill" Jin run to the truck Ice cream leaving me behind.

"YAHHHHH" I shouted to him.

"Hahahaha" he laughed at me.


Suho's POV


Wait what?

I tried to open my eyes as I feel my head is really hurt. I saw some lighting in an unfamiliar room.

Aw, it's hurt my eyes. By the way, where am I at?

I saw Mom..and Dad.

"Eomma.." I said to her.

"Jo-Joonmyun?? Yeobo, call the doctor now!" she said to a guy and it's my Dad.

Yea I am in hospital room.

"Suho-ah! Its okay, Mom is here. Everything is okay" she said in a serious tone.

"What? Im okay omma. Don't worry. But why am I here?" Im so confused.

I heard the door open and someone ran towards me.

Of course, the Doctor.

"Suho shhi, are you okay? Is your head hurt? Do you feel sick anywhere?" Mr.Jung said.

He asked me a lot of question and the nurse writing something on paper.

I can't even answer one of them.

So, I just smiled to him.

"My head hurt a bit and what happened to me, Doctor?" I asked him for more detail.

"Oh, you are coma for about 4 years. I think you can check out from this hospital tomorrow evening. Thankyou" he bowed & left me with mom and Dad.

So, I was coma. But I think I can't think of people clearly. What's now?

"And..you have amnesia" Dad said.


"Amnesia? But I can remember both of you and how do I got these back then?" I replied with confused.

"Doctor said, you can remember certain people but you just need to wait for a moment to get all your memories back. We got into car accident last four years. Mom and Dad just have some light injured." Mom said.

"Accident? and will you help me to get my memory back?..." I said with a sad tone.

"Yes, sure darling" Mom said and Dad just nodded with smile.

"...And Im so happy. Mom and Dad is still alive and I can remember you. I bet you must be sad if I didn't"

I gave a smile to cheer them up for what had happened to me these four years.

I took a glance outside the window.

I wonder, what kind of memories I had before.

With whom?

And where?

When I will get my memories back?

Is the person in my memory someone that very special to me?

Im sorry friends, I dont know you guys :-(

Chapter 2 was updated! How is it? Mind to comment and give some ideas if you have it ^^ thanks for support! ILYSM~

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