Chapter 8

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We all had our traditions before the shows. Every band does. Some of ours know. I won't go into detail about them. My tradition with Liz was the fact that she took a picture of us hugging. I mean they turned out good and all but Max and Ari usually did something else. That something else I could never get from Liz before a show. I chugged the last of my beer down before she could see me drink it. Liz did have a problem with my drinking. I think it’s because her uncle died from a drunk driver or something. It’s probably bad that I don't know. I looked over my shoulder to see that Tom was doing his usual ‘jumping up and down’ pre show act. I swear I will feel sorry for the girl that ever decides to date Tom Parker.

I approached him. "Look I'm really sorry about what happened this morning," I said scratching my head.

"Na. Its no problem. You were just pulling a Jay tantrum."

I rolled my eyes he was getting as bad as Max with the unoriginal jokes I tell you.

"Anyway have you seen Liz around?"

“Liz? Liz who?” he said scratching his arms violently.

“Come on Tom. Liz…Your best friend and my girlfriend.”

"Nope haven't seen her," Tom said shaking his head aggressively and avoiding eye contact.

"Do you know where she could be?" I asked.

"No not a clue. Bye," he said rather quickly and ran off nervously.

I shrugged must be nervous about tonight. I saw Liz coming over to me. To be honest she looked like hell.

"Hey hun," she said in a raspy voice.

"Man. Mother Nature is killing you this time isn't she?"

"Jay do you mind if I just catch up with you after the show? I think I need a nap."

I nodded. She kissed me on the cheek and left pulling my jacket tighter around herself.

"Aww being a party popper again Liz," I heard Ari yell as Max and her came out from a closet.

Then the 'happy' couple decided to grace me with their company.

"Damn she looks bad," Max said pointing to the door at Liz just left out of. "You and Tom must be driving her crazy," he laughed.

“Boy’s we will be ready for you in a couple of minutes. Two minute warning,” some guy wearing a headset said.

I looked over at Max and Ari how I longed to have that with Liz again. I sighed. Maybe after the concert she’ll be back to normal. We each walked up to the platform to take our place. Our first song was rocket. As the music started my nervousness left me and we raced out to the stage. I looked over at Tom while he sang his first part he had the most ridiculous face about him. I rolled my eyes I could do so much better.

“Never gonna make my way down. I’ll make the galaxy my playground,” I sang with a more ridiculous face.

Tom looked over at me. I looked back at him and gave him a ‘what are you going to do about it’ face. He looked back out straight into the audience. I had won.

Shit I had to introduce the next song I smile grew across my face as I knew what I was about to say to bring my point home. “So for this next song I think we should sing along to help Tom remember to sing the right part because as you all know he sang the wrong part at the billboard awards. This is Chasing the Sun!”

I looked over at Tom who looked pissed off as hell. He rolled his eyes and started singing while I started smirking.

Nathan went up to introduce the next one. “Since its Friday and-” A chorus of cheers sounded from the audience. “We think this song is appropriate this is The Weekend.”

Last To Know The Wanted FanFic co-written by chazylk and Danid531 (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now