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Third person +

"Why do you always do this?!" Michael screamed at his mother.
"Why do you try to change me! I want to feel loved by you but you make me feel bad! Just because I like boys? What's great fucking reason!"

Michael slammed down on the couch in front of his mom. She placed her thumb and index finger on her forehead and sighed.

"Michael, this is for your own good. You know it makes me sad when the other kids at your school tease you." She stressed. "I am just trying to help."

"Well great FUCKING job mom! You've helped so much!" Michael yelled back. He stormed off to his room and slammed the door.

Michael stared at his pink walls and collection of flower crowns on his desk.

"She doesn't get it!" He said to himself out of frustration and kicked the door frame causing the pink paint to crack.

Michael went into his closet and pulled out a black and white flannel and black ripped jeans with some white converse.
He looked at the flower crowns again debating whether or not to put one on his head.

"I'm just a fucking embarrassment..." He whispered and left his room.

Michael walked. He didn't know where he was going but he walked far away from his house. All he wanted was to feel pretty. He wanted to be noticed. But not made fun of so he learned to keep his personality bottled up for god knows how long.

He walked into a small ice cream shop.

Studying the verity of flavors, he decided to go with chocolate peanut butter.

He crossed the street an sat behind an old factory that has been empty for years. It kind of creeped him out but he was okay as long as he was alone.

About 3 minutes into eating his now melting ice cream, he heard what sounded like to guys talking.

Michael stood up and brushed himself off.
He walked around the corner and saw a tall blond boy handing a small bag of what looked like cocaine to and darker haired boy. Then the blonde boy received about a $100.

Michael darted backward behind the corner of the building and stood with his back agents the wall.

"Goddamn druggies" he mumbled and started back towards home.

Ah hi what do you all think so far?!

Who do you think the dark haired druggie was?

How do you feel about Michael?

Sorry for not updating so quick! I had a lot of school work!

New update either tonight or tomorrow!

Tight Black Knee Socks || •muke•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora