Really, Tony?

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^Tony Stark changed his profile picture:


Natasha Romanov: Really, Tony?

Clint Barton and 3 others like this comment.

Pepper Potts: Love it, Tony! But I thought you were going to change it to a picture of you and me...

Tony Stark: Um, sorry Babe. But this was such a great picture of me, I just couldn't resist.

Pepper Potts: Fine. But you owe me.

Tony Stark: Ok, ok.

Pepper Potts: How about a fancy dinner tonight? ;) 

Tony Stark: Actually, I'm working on my suit right now. It needed an upgrade.

Pepper Potts: Oh, ok. Do you want some help?

Tony Stark: Nah, Bruce's helping me. He was dying to modify my arc reactor. He's just making it worse, though. My repulsers are firing slower. I'm going to kick him out in a couple minutes.

Bruce Banner: Are you guys talking about me?

Pepper Potts and Tony Stark have logged off.

Steve Rogers has updated his status:



Clint Barton: Turn off the caps lock, Steve.

Steve Rogers: WHAT IS THAT?

Natasha Romanov: The button to the left of the keyboard. 


Natasha Romanov: -_- I'll come over and show you.

Clint Barton has updated his status:

Does teaching Steve how to use Facebook remind anyone else of trying to teach their grandma how to Skype?


Natasha Romanov: Yes! 

Tony Stark: Steve's worse. -_- 

Steve Rogers: Hey! You know I'm still online, right?

Tony Stark: Haha, Steve said "online". I didn't think he knew what that meant.

Steve Rogers: Of course I do. I knew that years ago.

Clint Barton: You know what that means because I told you the other day.

Steve Rogers: ...

Steve Rogers is now friends with Thor Odinson.

Thor Odinson has updated his status:

My brother is a pain in my backside.


Loki the Mischief God: The feeling is mutual, dear brother.

Steve Rogers: Wait- Loki has a Facebook?

Thor Odinson: I disapproved of it. He will cause nothing but mischief. But alas, he is my brother so he is allowed it.

Natasha Romanov: He's still in prison... right?

Thor Odinson: Yes.

Natasha Romanov: Good.

Loki the Mischief God: Missing me, Natasha? ;)

Natasha Romanov: Loki, if you show up here again I will personally kick you between the legs.

Clint Barton and 2 others like this comment.

Tony Stark: I just can't stop cracking up over Loki's name.

Loki the Mischief God: Why?

Tony Stark: Loki the Mischief God? Seriously? You sound like a two year old.

Loki Mischief God: ...

Loki Mischief God has changed his name to Loki the Magnificent.

Loki the Magnificent: Better?

Natasha Romanov: -_-

Tony Stark: You need social networking help, Loki.

Loki the Magnificent: You need help as well, Tony.

Tony Stark: Are you serious right now? You're the one who got the brilliant idea to invade Earth with a bunch of skeleton robots. 

Loki the Magnificent: They're called Chitauri, for your information.

Natasha Romanov: How the heck do you pronounce that?

Loki the Magnificent: shit-are-ee.

Steve Rogers: Language!

Clint Barton: ⬆ I can't even. 😂

Tony Stark: Loki- you seriously need to work on your attack plan next time you try to invade Earth. My suits would take out your puny army in a flash.

Thanos: Muahaha, you have no idea of the force of my army, little Earthling.

Loki the Magnificent: See? It's all a matter of getting the right people on your side. You are going down, Tony Stark.

Bruce Banner: He really grows on you, doesn't he?

Clint Barton: NOT THAT AGAIN!

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