Chapter 9

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Previously :
Allison learned about her abilities with Carlisle's help.
A loud, woman scream woke me up suddenly, I bolted upright, I was shaking and covered in sweat. It had been three nights that I woke up because of the same scream. Happily Jasper was always here to comfort me, but apparently this time he wasn't.
I looked around, nobody in sight, I tryed to hear something with my vampire hearing, same. Something was definitly wrong.
I put my feet on the cold, hard floor and slowly walked to the door. The creaking of the wooden floor sent chills down my spine.
" death"
A voice whispered in my ear. In turned around but there was nothing. I kept walking even if this word frightened me. What did it mean ? 
I looked inside Edward's room, Bella was peacefully sleeping. Alone. I didn't want to wake her up so I closed the door and want downstairs. I headed fod the living room when I heard the same voice.
" loved ones"
Did those words mean that everyone I loved would die ?  I shook the thought off and kept looking for everyone. When I finally reached the living room, I found Rosalie's bracelet and Alice's necklace. Those two jewels made my breathing heavier and I started imaginating the worst things that could happen to them.
I ran outside but, on the porch, I tripped on something and fell down the stairs, I stopped in the dirt. I tried to get up but someone pushed me back down with their feet. I turned around so my back was on the ground, I looked up to see a humongous men above me with an evil look on his face. He was looking past me at some blond girl with red eyes. She was next to three men, they were scarier than the others.
- Who the hell are you ? I asked after gathering all the courage I had.
- We are the Volturi. Alec, help her up please. Said one of the three scary guys.
The one above me, Alec, grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up, not caring if he was hurting me. I pushed him off of me and used my vampire strength : he went flying somewhere in the trees. Before I could focus again on the "volturi" as they call themselves, I heard one word : pain.
I fell on the floor in agony, screaming my lungs out. This was unbearable, it was like if the pain was going through my veins, replacing my blood.  It all suddenly stopped, my body felt numb, the beat of my heart was covering every sound and my head was throbbing.
- Wh- What do you want ? I whispered.
- We learned the cullens found the company of a half human half vampire with incredible abilities enjoyable. I saw what you can do and We'd like you to join us.
- What! I asked confused. Were are the cullens ? Where is my family ? I screamed loudly and ran to the guy in the middle.
Before I could jump, a green mist surrounded me, blinded me. I threw my hands in the air to try to make it disappear, but it was impossible. A few seconds later, I fell on my knees, exhausted. Finaly, the green mist vanished. I took a big breath in but a hand grabbed me by the throat and lifted me up till my feet weren't touching the ground anymore. I grabbed the wrist of the man as I gasped for air. He had long blond hair, he was good looking, but way to scary.
- Were you trying to kill Aro ?he asked.
I couldn't answer so I just kept trying to get out of his strong grip.
- I suppose your answer is no. Said the guy with dark long hair, Aro. Then, we can't let you live with our secret nor can you live with these powers of yours. He concluded.
My eyes widened as I heard this sentence, they were going to kill me !
I stuggled even more but the blond guy tightened his grip on my neck.
The last image I remembered was him smiling at me, the smile reveling his fangs.

Sorry sorry sorry sorry !
I'm sorry I didn't update soiner but I couldn't.
Kisses 💖💖😳

Jasper Hale : saving me (love story) #Wattys2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz