Chapter 10

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Previously :
I stuggled even more but the blond guy tightened his grip on my neck.
The last image I remembered was him smiling at me, the smile reveling his fangs.
The pain was unbearable. The fire was replacing my blood. The thirst was overwhelming.
I opened my eyes to see trees all around me. The sun was shining, it hit me and, to my surprise I was shining. I heard a low growl from behind me. I got up as fast as I could. In front of me were five enormous wolves. Next to their feet were laying the rests of a vampire.
One men came out of the woods, bare chest.
- Allison...
His voice, I remembered his voice.
- I remember you, you're a werewolf. What's wrong with me ? What happened to the Cullens ?
- The volturi came. We broke the treaty to save you, but the Cullens are nowhere to be found.
- What ? We have to find them.
- Allison ! Jacob shouted, seeing that I was freaking out. You were turned.
Those three words stopped me in my tracks. Just then, as if on cue, I felt a burning sensation in my throat. I put my hand on it, Trying to take the sensation away. I looked up to see jacob handing me a bunny.
No. No, I couldn't hurt a small bunny. But the thirst was unbearable, so I snatched it from Jacob and bit. It felt so good, yet disgusting at the same time. Once I was done, I put the bunny down slowly right next to a big tree.
- Now, we need to find them. I said after taking a big breath.
- No need to look very far, my dear.  I heard from behind me. I spun around to see Carlisle and Esmee holding hands, Emett and Rosalie and Edward. Jasper engulfed me in a bone crushing hug, though I didn't feel anything. I giggled and hugged him tighter.
- Where have you guys been ?
- The Volturi distracted us while... Well, you know.
I nodded and smiled, telling them I was fine with being a vampire. Jasper held my waist because I felt too weak to stay up by myself. I opened my mouth to ask why, but Edward was faster. 
- You're right, it's weird. He turned to carlisle. How come she's so weak ? A vampire never is.
- maybe she kept some abilities from her hibrid past.
I simply nodded.
Would I ever get a day off ?

Okay so it's short but I've already waited long enough to post this so here you go.
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Kissed 💖💖

Jasper Hale : saving me (love story) #Wattys2016Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora