Chapter 1

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chapter 1

Jeff's pov.

I had been out hunting for hours and I landed 3 other kills that night. As I speed after my new prey I seen someone else I had to get my knife on. I would have gone after them but, they had gotten away before I had the chance.

"I'll get them later!" I smirked.

I snap out of my thoughts just as my other target was about to get away. I grab him by his head and pull him back towards me. Pulling out my knife I stabbed him in the arm and then in the chest. As I watch him bleed out I laugh at his reaction. When he finally stopped and he lay deep in blood I can't help but smile at my work. Just then I heard a rustle in the forest trees. I shot my gaze to where I heard it come from. There stood to my surprise was the girl from earlier.

"What luck! Looks like I have another target for tonight." I chuckle.

I let my gaze meet her's and try to get a better look at her face. From what I could see she had curly honey brown hair and it was at back length. Her eyes were a mysterious blue. I seen sadness and insanity in them. It seemed as if she was like me. She intrigued me but I couldn't afford to get distracted by her. I must kill her.

"Hey! You over there!" She looked over at me.

Looking back at her I challenge her. She nodded at me accepting my challenge. Of course it was the silent type of a challenge.even so she understood and excepted it.

Running at her I ready my knife to kill her. I had to admit she was fast. I almost had her but, When I lunged at her I overstepped and I ended up face first in dirt. She took some time to laugh at me. Then she ran away into the thicket.

"Damn it! she got away again." I curse at myself.

Giving up I began to walk back to the mansion. When I got there I knock on the door waiting for someone to open it.

"Slendy, Ticci, Open up the damn door NOW!" I yell hoping they would hear me.

After a minute Ticci came to the door frowning. The smell of toasted waffles filled the house. It looks like Toby had made waffles.

"What the fuck Jeff! I was in the middle of something. I want my waffles." Ticci Toby shouted.

"So! And I want you to go to sleep!"

"But, That can't happen can it? No ! No, it can't!" I continue.

"Fuck you Jeff! i'm leaving!" Toby yelled storming into the kitchen and grabbing his waffles only to go into his room and lock the door behind him.

I sigh rolling my eyes and going into my room. I didn't know what to do about him.

"I still can't believe I let my target get away. Who was she? She couldn't be normal! Could she?" I mumbled.

"No I won't believe that. She can't be human! No human could escape me. it's just not possible." I continued.

"What's this about you losing your target?" Eyeless jack asked seeming to come out of no where.

"Oh it's nothing EJ!" I lied.

If he found out that a mere mortal escaped my grasp, he would destroy me. I have to keep it from him and the rest of the creepypasta at all costs.

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