Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Katarina's pov.

I had been sitting on my bed for the longest time. I wasn't sure what to do. Getting up I grabbed my phone and checked my messages and emails. Nothing. I had had a long conversation with someone earlier today but now there was nothing. What was I to do? I was getting bored so I got up and decided to go see what my sister was doing. After knocking on her door I waited for her to open it or say something. Click!

"Hey sis." I greeted and smiled at her once her head popped out.

"What's up?" She asked opening the door fully.

"I was bored. What are you doing?" She looked at me and parted her lips to speak but then stopped.

"Well, Come here! You can chill with me if you can be quiet." I smiled and nodded.

"Okay! Thanks Layla."

Sitting next to her on her bed, We watched movies and funny YouTube videos. I was happy for a while until our dad got home. Unlike most nights, He was crazy drunk and he was mad. this had happened a few times in the past too but none as bad as this time.

"Slut where the fuck are you!" I hear my dad roar.

"Run!" my sister whispered.

"I can't" I said and he burst the door open glaring at me then smirked at me evilly.

"Come here you little whore!" He shouted.

Tears streamed down my face, as i tried to run away.

" Bad" he hissed and grabbed my hair before throwing me into the wall, harshly..

I scream out in pain and my sister tries to get him off me.

"SHUT UP WHORE!" he screamed at me and hit my sister on the head, knocking her out.

"Layla!" I cried out.

I froze in terror as he pinned me to the wall.

"My dirty little slut why don't you please something" he hissed rubbing himself on me like i'm his whore.

"G-Get off me!" I whined.

"Shut up bitch" he sneered while he took my cloths off, he start taking his belt off.

I tried to get away but ended up in an even tighter grip. I was getting scared.

"It been so long my dear angel" he said as he gets on top of me, naked.

My face flushed and I tried once again to push him off. I couldn't let him be my first. doing the only thing i could think of I kicked him in his exposed balls.

"YOU WORTHLESS BITCH!" he roared and grabbed me by the hair without letting go. I screamed.

Getting off me he pulled me up by my hair and throw me into the wall.

"You can just watch me fuck your worthless sister" he sneered before he ripped her clothes off and thrusted inside of her harshly.

Gripping my side I whimper a little and try to get up only making it halfway to the door only to collapse again.

"Moan whore" he hissed at my sister who whimpered underneath his heavy body.

"Stop it! leave her alone!" I scream!

His gaze shifted to me. He was seething with anger.

"You shut the fuck up how dare you tell me what the fuck to do you killed the woman i love with you being born!" he roared at me before he roughly got himself out of my sister and throw me hard onto the ground and got ontop of me.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" I yelled starting to get mad.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP WHORE!" he roared and thrust inside of me taking my innocence away.

"Mm" I whimpered.

Using all the strength I could I kicked him off me and into the wall. Groaning in pain he got up and started for me again. out of sheer fear I ran out the door into the night and to the only place I felt safe, the lake. I didn't know why but I felt tempted to email that guy from yesterday again. taking out my phone I sent him another email.

Email: me-Hey there. Ummm would you mind coming to see me now? I'm out by the old lake. If it's not a problem let me know! Ok?

While I waited for him to email back I threw some stones into the lake..

boy- Sure why the heck not I'll be there soon.

boy- it just so happens that I am out for a walk and I'm really close to the lake. Where are you?

Me- Im at the lake, right near a cottage. I'm sitting on the north side of the lake. Let me know when you find me. Ok?

After a minute he let me know that he had found me and suddenly he was right behind me. Sitting next to me he looked down to meet my gaze.

"Hey! Is something wrong?" He asked.

He sat his hand on my shoulder making me stiffen. I really couldn't help it. After a second I managed to relax my body again.

"Oh,'s nothing I just couldn't sleep. I decided to get out of the house and I thought that I should have somebody else here with me." I lied giving him a hopingly convincing smile.

He look as if he knew that I was lying. But despite that he simply let out a sigh and looked back at me.

"You sure? I you looked a little down." He asked.

"I'm ok! Why do you care anyway?" She rolled her eyes and looked at me with her beautiful midnight blue eyes.

"Because I do! Just remember, if anyone hurts you I will kill them." he said with a small smile.

I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. Why did he care about me so much? I mean we just met a while ago. I didn't get it. Just then I remembered something he said the first time I seen him.

"Um.... hey dude! Didn't you say that next time you and I met that you would tell me your name?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess I did." He confirmed.

"Well since you are going to tell me your name I might as well introduce myself too." I smiled.

"Well okay then. Since I said I would tell you, my name is Jeffrey." He said letting out a sigh.

"Nice to be acquainted with ya! I'm Katarina." I replied.

"Well it was nice seeing you and all. Are we still on for Tuesday night?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah. I'll see you then. Do you want to meet up here instead of the park?" I questioned with a smile.

"Sure why the hell not" he said smiling.

Looking up at the sky I smiled. The night sky was so beautiful and the moon's reflection on the lake was so pretty. I just wanted to sit with jeffrey forever. Even though I was still upset about what happen with my dad I was glad that someone was with me. I didn't have to do this alone!

"Thank you......" I whispered.

But, He didn't hear me so I left it be and continued gazing into the midnight blue sky. I felt safe with Jeff. but at the same time every time he was around my heart speed up a little. I didn't understand why. Then again at that time I really didn't care much anyway. After a while I got really tired and decided that I had to come home. But the thought of going home made me scared again. I pulled lightly on jeff's shirt to get his attention. looking me in the eyes he let out a small hmm and smiled warmly.

"Jeff can you take me home?" I asked shyly.

He nodded and grabbed my arm lightly. I heard him call for someone and a boy started walking toward us. I didn't think to ask where he came from of why he was here nor, did I mind or care.

As jeff and the other boy walked me home I felt secure and the scenery was even more beautiful than before. When we got to my house I climbed up my pipe and into my room laying my head on my pillow and drifting into the land of dreams with one single thought in my head.

"Maybe it was all worth it!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2015 ⏰

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