Chapter One

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One week after senior year starts......

"Man I am so ready for summer again, it's gonna kill me!" Malia cried, trying to finish up her math homework. Stiles just laughed trying to explain the pythagorean theorem. It was the main thing the girl was having trouble with which truly was a hard formula.

"Just calm down Malia, maybe you should get Lydia to teach you, not me." Malia groaned and slammed her book shut, getting up from the bed. She is truly angered that she couldn't do this problem after all the hard work she's done to try and get at least a 80 in math.

"Ok, I'll go talk with her. Just make sure to pick me up in the morning from my house so we can go help Scott and the others try and figure out that strange sighting of a wolf man running around Beacon Hill, killing animals."Stiles bit his lip which made her give him a annoyed look.

"What do you have to do?" He walked over to the night stand, opened it up, and pulled out a picture. No, not of his mother, but of his mother, father, himself,and some other family. He handed it to Malia, she took a close look at it.

"Is this your family? Are they coming?" Stiles shook his head.

"No. Only my aunt. She's coming over here to visit us and see her daughter's grave." Malia quickly looked up from the picture with a shocked look. He looked between her and the picture before taking it back into his own hands.

"What happened to the other man then?And how did the girl die?" Stiles felt tears in his eyes as he went over to the stand and put the picture back in the drawer.He really didn't like talking about it, but since it was Malia he didn't mind.

"The man died in a burning building three years ago. The girl would be our age now but when she was 16, and her and her mom were visiting us,someone drowned her in the pond on Saint James Street.I didn't tell anybody but Scott. No one knows who but since she couldn't take her all the way back to Louisiana she got her buried in the old Beacon Hill cemetery." Stiles looked Malia in the eyes and saw the pure horror she was feeling. Without another word she kissed his lips and rushed out. Stiles couldn't help but cringe after her lips laid contact on his. He rather have a guy kiss him instead. Her lips were to soft, and thin. He needed lips like Scott's.


Speaking of the devil.

Scott: Hey bro, Sorry I can't go see your aunt Shari tomorrow.

Stiles smiled.

"He's apologizing, that's cute."

Stiles:Don't worry, want me to tell her you said hi?

Scott: Hell yah! She is my favorite country person I know!

Stiles: Scott, she's the only country person you know.......that's alive that is.

Stiles' smile faded quickly.

Scott: Dude, don't think about that.She's in a better place.

Stiles: Yah.......

Scott: You want me to come over there and huge you better?

A part of his smile came back thinking about that actually happening.

Stiles: Sounds good babe, just don't tell Kira or Malia;)

Stiles fully smiled once more as he sat his phone on the night stand. Without warning a large force grabbed him and pulled his body onto the bed.

"hey babe, what's good?" He flipped over to see Scott smiling down at him which just made him anxious since Scott's crotch was so close to his. It was literally a inch away from Stiles'.

"Just about to take a shower. Then fix up the guest room for my aunt." Scott jumped up right quick, out the room, and quickly back in, back on Stiles.They looked into one anothers eyes for about a before both teens laughed frantically and rolling all over the bed, not being able to hold still or breath. Neither knew why they were laughing it was just something that happened every once and awhile. When they were calm both were back in the former position, still giggling.They looked back into one anothers eyes, but this time they froze in place, not looking away.

"Um, I hate saying this but Kira and I decided we should just be friends. Aka, we broke up today." Stiles eyes widen and jaw dropped.

"Wow. I thought you guys would end having little Kira/Scott babies but guess I was wrong." Stiles lied to get a laugh out of Scott, but he didn't laugh.He just looked more annoyed than amused. Stiles didn't understand but being a good friend he didn't question it.The teen just nodded with a smirk.

"I understand. Me and Malia aren't on the best of terms. Maybe a kiss here and there but-

"Stiles, Scott, what the hell are you two doing?" He was cut off by his aunts chuckling. Both boys jumped up and rushed to hug the older woman, almost knocking the bouquet of roses out her hand.

"Jesus boys! don't knock the air out of me!" She choked out. They quickly pulled away and smiled at the mid-aged lady holding flowers. She reached in the paper and pulled out one each to give to them. Both boys took their rose.

" They were meant for Willow but I'm sure she won't mind sharing with her two most favorite people in the world." The two watched as some tears rolled down Stiles aunt's face, which even made them cry a little. Losing Willow was tough on her and she was a golden women for being this strong.

"Listen boys I'm only staying tonight and heading back home tomorrow morning so would be dears and go with me to give Willow some flowers?" Who were they to say no to a request like that? They led Stiles' aunt out the house and to her car, which made her happy to know they would go with her to see her daughter's grave.

Yet Scott knew something was up since her heart was beating really fast. That left him with a good question.

What is Shari up to?

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