Chapter Six (Short)

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I went down to see if Stiles was still breathing and thank the lord he was but I don't know what just happened. He was fine a minute ago then all of a sudden he falls and passes out on the floor. Lucky for me coach came in at the right time. He saw me trying to aid Stiles' limp body and immediately dropped all his papers and ran to help.
"Scott, what just happened!? What's wrong with Stiles!?" I shook my head frantically having no clue.
"I-I don't know. One minute we were sitting there acting all normal and the next thing I knew he was on the floor." Coach shook his head and grab his hair. From what I can tell, he has no clue what to do. I sorta do, but I don't know what's wrong with him. Which is why I need to get him to the hospital as fast as possible.
"You call Sheriff, I'll get him to the hospital." If I get written up for this it'll be worth it. This is my Stiles and I'm not going to watch him be in pain.
"How are you going to get him to the hospital genius? Last time I checked, your mom dropped you off at school and and Sheriff Stilinski brought your little boy toy here in hand cuffs." I groaned in anger, and pick Stiles up, then threw him over my shoulder. Coach looked at me with a surprised look but it also looked like there was a hint of disappointment.
"You can pick Stilinski up over your shoulder but you can't hardly knock down an opponent? What the hell's up with that Mccall!?" I swear I could just put Stiles down and beat the shit outta coach but I have bigger problems to worry about.
"I'm just full of surprises coach." I took off out the door and ran like a mad man to the hospital. Just as I was about to get to the building , Stiles started screaming. I pulled him off my shoulder and sat him against a tree to help him get to his senses without hitting his head on concrete. Yah, I know a tree trunk is no better to hit your head but.....I....oh just shut up! I'll lay him on the ground! Wait, I have a better idea! I sat down on the ground, pulled his head into my lap, rubbed my thumb over his cheek and 'shhh'ed him back into a slumber. I gave his Temple a kiss before picking him up bridal style ,carrying him the rest of the way to the hospital. When I entered the parking lot, everyone looked at us with a shocked expression. It was most likely from seeing me running 40 miles a hour, with a passed out guy in my arms. I really don't care what they think right now, I just care about Stiles.
I busted through the door and bless the sweet lord above, my mom was talking with someone at the front desk and immediately reacted to the situation.

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