The Signless: Part 1

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Kankri nodded sat down on the couch as well, after grabbing a fairly large book off his shelf. He set the book down inbetween them before turning to face his descendent. Karkat looked down at the book, tilting his head. He knew everything in these bubbles were purely from memory, so the book must've been just for show, right? Kankri cleared his throat, grabbing Karkat's attention. 

"Right, let us begin today's lesson, shall we?" Karkat nodded slowly, already bracing himself for hours of endless lecturing. "Well, I thought it would be good for you to know exactly who you a sense. So, today's lesson is on your ancestor, my pre-scracth self." Karkat groaned and rolled his eyes. 

"Listen Kankri, I already know enough about him. He was a mutant who tried to change the planet's views on the caste system but ultimately died." Kankri sighed but nodded. 

"Yes....that is a summary of what he did I suppose. But we, or more you, are going to learn a bit more about his life. So, I suggest that you get comfortable, and please do tell me if anything I am about to say triggers you in any way, alright?" Karkat nodded. He didn't really feel like "learning" about his ancestor's shitty life, but if he declined this lesson, he wouldn't hear the end of it. 

Kankri thought for a moment, pondering where he should start his lesson. He tapped his chin and crossed his legs, finally settling on starting at the very beginning. 

"Alright Karkat, as you know, The Signless was born without a Lusus. Due to his...blood color, no lusus would take him in and he would've died as a grub. But, The Dolorosa took him in and raised him to adulthood. Now,  for an adult troll to raise a grub was uncalled for, and she had her duties in the caverns with the mothergrub, but she risked it all to allow him life."

"The Signless grew up with The Dolorosa, always moving to new villages so he wouldn't accidentally let his candy red blood be known. As he grew up, he began having visions. Visions of a new world, a peaceful one. Whenever he moved to a new village,  he would spread the knowledge of the visions to all that would listen. He spoke with such power and....passion in his words that many trolls followed him to each new village just to hear his sermons. Of those trolls, two of them became very important to him."

"The Psionic, a yellow blooded troll. He was fated to work for the Empress due to his powers that most trolls with his golden blood posessed. He, of course, never wanted that life. He never agreed with the unfair way Highbloods treated Lowbloods, but he could never do anything. But, one day, he heard the passion in The Signless's words as he was passing by one of his sermons. His words had inspired The Psionic to leave the life he was destined to, and decided to follow him and help persuade others to do so as well and change the planet. The two bonded greatly during their time together, and they became the palest of moirails."

"The Disciple, she was The Signless's most dedicated follower. She listened carefully to every word he spoke, whether it was during a sermon or not. She recorded his teachings in a small book, her blood pusher completely devoted to him. Soon enough, his was completely invested in her as well. The two became matesprits, and it was said that their love for each other transcended the quadrants." 

Karkat listened to all of this, making sure to pay full attention to every word his dancestor spoke.  Honestly, he was interested in his ancestors history, but he didn't see what any of this had to do who he  was. Karkat turned his body, now sitting cross legged on the couch, fully turning the older cancer troll. 

"Right...yeah, Kankri this is all great and shit, but what does this have to do with me?" Karkat questioned, and Kankri smiled warmly. 

"Well, you see Karkat, in The Signless's final moments of life, he was so filled with seething hatred and burning rage for his people. He was so...angry that he was being killed for only trying to heal a broken world, a broken system, that he gave one final sermon. His voice boomed across the streets of the village he was being executed in, his eyes wild and filled with rage and hatred as white hot as the iron shackles that held him."

"The Signless said-- No, he promised of a new troll that would bring peace. He promised that he would gain a descendent that would be succesful in finishing his quest for peace. He promised all of his kind, whether they were his followers or not, that some troll would rise up and bring peace." Karkat's heart stopped, he knew what Kankri was saying. But he had to make sure.

"S-So what the hell does this have to do with me?" Karkat stammered, gripping the pillow tightly.

"Karkat, you are the next Signless."

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