I Only Needed Some Bandages

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In which Clementine walks into a different room from Sarah's at first.


Clementine didn't mean to. All she wanted to do was to sneak in, borrow some supplies, sneak out, and then stitch up the dog bite.

"Okay, which room, which room..." she muttered to herself, glancing at each door. She looked down the hallway, and decided to get the first door on the left, considering there were no sounds coming from inside.

She turned the doorknob, and tried not to hiss out in pain as she felt her sleeve rub against the bite.

"Shit..." she inwardly cussed. She froze for a second, trying to will the pain away. It may have been dark, but she was still sure that blood was probably seeping through the cloth. "Gotta go fast," she muttered again.

She pushed the door open, barely enough to squeeze through to minimize any possible sound.

The room was dark, and Clementine could barely see anything. All she could make out were two figures lying down on a bed set in the center of the left wall. Clementine peered in closer, curiosity telling to figure out who they were. She couldn't see any of their faces, but saw two heads of brown and black hair, the closest to her being the brown.

Clementine tried to glance around to see if there was anything useful, but she was practically blind. She crouched down and risked a few steps forward, but the floorboards creaked, and she stopped before she could make any more sound.

"God damn it," she hissed quietly, quickly glancing up at the two on the bed to see if either of them woke up. She waited... and waited.

Good thing she did, because one of them groaned, and spoke to the other.

"Ugh... Nick?"

Clementine almost gasped. Was that Luke? And did he just say Nick? She tied two and two together, and confirmed that yes, indeed. That was Luke and Nick. She knew they were best friends, and there's nothing wrong with sharing a bed, but in that moment, she noticed something. They were... unusually close to each other, under those sheets. That's how her parents would usually sleep at night, when she thought back to when she would sometimes go to their room at night when she got scared.

"Nick, did you hear somethin'?

Nick groaned. "What? Luke, you're probably just being paranoid... again."

Luke went quiet for a second. "Yeah... I guess so."

"just calm down a bit, alright, Luke? We're safe here."

"Okay," Luke muttered, and Nick just sighed, pulling Luke closer. Clementine tried not to blush when they exchanged "I love you"s. It's not that she was uncomfortable with the fact that they were both guys; her mom's best friends were a lesbian couple themselves, and were lovely people. She just never expected for Luke and Nick of all people to be this affectionate.

Clementine stayed frozen a bit more, waiting to make sure that they were asleep before backing out of the room. Letting out a breath of relief as she quietly shut the door, Clementine was finally out of the room.

"Okay, so, never assume it's the first door on the left," she told herself.

She looked around, trying to figure out which room to go to next. By then, Clementine didn't care if she just got caught. She could barely ignore the throbbing of the bite.

She said, "Screw it," and opened the last door on the right. She almost stopped a soon as she saw light coming from a candle, but she could've cried tears at that moment with how painful the wound was, so she fully opened the door.

It was Sarah.

Sarah looked up at her behind those stupid red glasses.

"Oh! It's you! What're you doing here? Did they finally let you in?"

This girl asks way too many questions, Clem thought.

"I need bandages, Sarah. That's why I'm here, and you have to be quiet."

It took a while for Sarah to catch on. "Oh! You snuck in!"

"Sh!" Clementine quickly shushed her. "Can you just help me?"

Sarah seemed hesitant. "I don't know if I should... we're not even friends."

"Trust me," Clementine said. After reassuring Sarah many times, Sarah finally told her where to look.

Clementine gave her a weak smile. "Thanks, Sarah."

"No problem. I'm just glad I have a friend, now."

Clementine approached the door, but questions from earlier started to eat away at her. So, she turned back.

"Hey, Sarah. Earlier, I walked into another room, and..." Clem saw Sarah's innocent smile. There's no way that Sarah, of all people, would know. This is something that someone as naive as she is wouldn't know. But Clementine just had to ask someone. "I saw Luke and Nick sleeping together. Are they... you know," Clementine looked to the ground in embarrassment, "... together?"

Sarah's eyes widened.

Clementine stuttered, "You-you know what? Never mind-"

"You can't tell anyone!" Sarah whisper-shouted.

Clementine gave her a look. "W-what?"

"I walked in on them once, and they made me swear not to tell the group. Just never mention it to anyone."

Clementine just nodded before awkwardly turning back to exit the room. She barely caught Sarah's next words, which were barely audible.

"You're lucky they weren't doing anything else."

Clementine held back a shudder at the image of the two... ugh.

"I'm a pretty lucky person."

Nick x Luke (TWD VIDEO GAME) ONESHOTSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن